
Hi, my name is Yankee. I am a pug. I was born on May 15th, 1998. I'm almost a year old now. My mom says she can't believe it. It feels like yesterday when she came to bring me home. I was so excited on the day she picked me up.

Mom came all the way from Brooklyn to get me. The first night I was with my new mom I also got to meet my cousin Gipper. We stayed at his house. I loved him! He was a lot of fun, we played and played and played until we couldn't play anymore.

Then we were off for home. I was a little scared. Mom put me in this big black duffle bag that had windows for me to see. We then went on the airplane. I then was so excited!! I knew we were going on a great adventure. After a short nap on the plane we were home. I got to meet my daddy and big sister Daisy then. Boy was I glad to be home.

Daisy didn't like me at first. She said I needed to grow up and act like a man and not a toddler. I told her to lighten up and learn to have some fun! I think she loves me even though she won't admit it. You see she was an only pug until I came into the picture.

I hope you enjoy all my pictures. Just click on the links below.

Yankee Pug

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