About Cerridwen

OMG.. I am finally updating this site. WOW.. LOL

Well these are very recent pictures of me! Hope you enjoy!

We are now living in Southern California. Draco and I are happily living together with 4 wonderful children and lots of fury children.

I am persuing Belly Dancing as both a hobby and a job. *s*

Draco is persuing his dream in the SCA. I just love to belly dance and play music in the SCA. *s*

Look at me and see what you want to see

I look at you and see what you want me too

but don't look and see

what is not in me

for I am more than I seem to be!

By, Cerridwen StormCrow

When I have free time and am not practicing my pagan/whitchy skills, I am building websites. If you want to see what I have designed or if you are interested in maybe having me design your website for you. Email me!

Wiccans Unite

Obsidian Horizon

The Dancing Belly

Sisters of Bast

Magick Is

I have more sites than this.. but a few of them aren't appropriate to post here. LOL.. hope you enjoy!