
Often Visited Links

Hello,Thanks for stopping by..I've made this page for some of sites I visit often. I have found some interesting and helpful sites on the web so I thought I would share them with you..Just pull up a chair and and take a look below..I hope you find these sites as Interesting as I do...They are listed in 4 different catagories.

Some of my Favorite Links

eBay: You are sure to find just about anything at this online auction
Bored : Are you bored?I am sure you'll find something to do here.
Tipz Time: Message Boards,Crafts,Housetips and more
CNN: Otherwise known as the Cable New Network
The Weather Channel: The names speaks for itself
Download.com: Here you will find just abot any Shareware or demo available.
Housernet: If you like to check out other homepaages,also add your own.
The Java Script Planet: Helps with Java Script
ICQ Chat: Download this program and chat ,send messages to all your friends.