Charli's Male and Misc. Avatar Page

Well guys, you asked for more male avatars, so here ya go. Once again, wear these and enjoy them, but please don't paste them on your page as yours, I found all these as pictures on a webpage, and I cropped and sized them myself. If you have any comments, requests or if you would like me to put your name on your av, e-mail me at the address below. Please sign my guestbook, and thank you for coming.

Male Avatars












Misc. Avatars












Come see Charli's new baby!!!

Charli's Avatar Page

Charli's Avatars Page2

Freebird67's Nascar Avatars

Charli's Country Gestures

Charli's Romance Gestures

Charli's Misc. Gestures

Virtual Love--a poem for Virtual Places

I'd Give My All--a romantic page

Somatic's Delusions (avatar and gesture page)
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