annmarieeeeeeee - the funky sexxxxy sistah
 How long have you been on IRC--- year and a half
Why do you like IRC- --  meet all sorts of people from all over the world

Best IRC experience -- meeting the love of my life Bishop :)  and finally  meeting other chatters
Why you like being an OP--  a sense of belonging within a large group
The best thing abou Chatzone -- all my friends hang there....and i am making new ones also
The most important thing IRC has taught you-- that being honest with yourself and others always pays off in the long run.....there r many wonderful people out there to meet......and being honest goes a long way on irc
 Hobbies or Things you are proud of-- watching NASCAR races :)  chatting with  my honey.....and all my friends
 Your family .--  mom, dad, brother (2 yrs  younger)

Your work ... teacher 5th grade (for right now)
How has IRC made an impact on your daily life? Good and bad ...good--i met the man of my dreams :) and will share my life with him soon bad-- i tend to spend too many hours on here.....neglecting things i SHOULD be doing

What Country you reside in-- USA

The best day of your life--December 31, 1997-January 1, 1998  i got to begin  a new year with Bishop......the one i truly love.....the best day will be  when i am with him forever :)

Chatting has changed my life in many ways.....mostly meeting Bishop and falling in love.....because a relationship can happen online....if you have openness and honesty.....and Bishop has taught me there can be both.....with lots of love involved.....he taught me  how to love again after being badly hurt.

How did you get your IRC nickname? haha it  is my name :)

Whats the most embarrasing thing thats happened to you on irc? going to cybersex to talk to a friend that had their messages turned off....and was found in there by Sassy....and she made it the topic of friendly that i was  in there =/

In real life?  gosh.....finding out that my hubby was having an affair with my best friend and had been for 3 1/2 yrs of my marriage =/

Whats the funniest thing thats ever happened on irc?  haha just talking about the things that happened at "Hawks Party" in maryland in june

Do you believe in love on irc? and why? OF COURSE.....if there is openness and honesty.....why.....well.......cause i found it :)

What do you eat for breakfast?  i dont eat breakfast....but if i had would be breakfast in bed with Bishop ;)

What kind of undies do you wear? french cut ;)

Whats your favourite movie?  Titanic

Whats your favourite music/song? As long as you love me ;)
 What inspires you?  my students inspire teaching them to the best of my ability.....challenging me to come up with new ideas

What makes you truly happy?  being with my sexy hick Bishop :)

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