Shes young, funny, quick and shes HAPPY - kewl sistah!

How long have I been on IRC? a lil over a year
Why do I like IRC? because I get away from the "real world" and get to interact with all you nutcases.
Best IRC experience?  hehe..that's classified stuff!
Why I like being an op? all the attention from the men...that @ does wonders for me
The best thing about ChatZone? All my buddies are here
The most important thing IRC has taught me? It's okay to be looney.
Hobbies or Things I'm proud of? trumpet and piano, not to mention the fact that I can sit in front of a computer for 12 hours straight without my butt falling asleep
My family? They're just them
My work or school? Ummmmm......lol...Jersey Shore Junior High
How has IRC made an impact on my daily life? Y'all have corrupted me.  That's all I'm gunna say
What country I reside in... The US (NOT Sweden)
The best day of my life? The day I had some articles published in a local paper
 For #ChatZone-goers eyes only.....my nickname(s) are Heater and Thumper
How did I get my IRC nickname? I honestly have NO idea...... maybe cause I'm happy?  (But remember..I'm not from Sweden)
The most embarassing thing that's happened to me on IRC? Telling crusoe I'd make baby crusoes
In real life?   The run in with Opus at the mall...nuff said.
Whats the funniest thing that's ever happened on IRC? 2 things..#1.) modem's little cup n string jiggy, and #2.) the love affair of Knight and Olly
Do I believe in love on IRC?  Yes I do Why? Because you get to know someone by their personality.  not for something superficial like looks
What do I eat for breakfast? I haven't time in my busy schedule for breakfast
What kind of underwear do I wear? Ask one of the guys.........hehe...j/k (for now)..that's classified stuff unless you ask me yourself
What's my favorite movie?  Titanic
What's my favorite music/song? Depends on my mood (what can I say... I'm a Cancer) Song.."I'll Be"
What inspires me? Pretty much anything inspires me, I could go on and on about it.
What makes me truly happy? Being in the presence of people who appreciate my presence.  not to mention chilling out by myself... AND partying with my buddies

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