Be afraid.
How long have you been on IRC - Approximately seven hundred years.
Why do you like IRC - It tastes good.
Why you like being an OP? The fear thing. Definitely.
The best thing abou Chatzone - Er.... The walls are a nice colour. And the people aren't quite scum, on average.
The most important thing IRC has taught you: To keep one's personal details to oneself.
Hobbies: My mountain collection. I've got lots, all over the world. Oh. And carpet is
good as well.
Your school ...Currently, Christchurch Polytechnic. But I've been to lots.
How has IRC made an impact on your daily life? On the good side, I've met lots of people I don't hate very much, and had lots of fun.. On the bad side, I've lost lots of sleep, and met an absolutely phenominal amount of creatures that make me want to kill them all.
What Country you reside in - New Zealand
The best day of your life: The day before I last slept in my bed.
I'd like to share all sorts of things. But I have no intention of doing so, due to my being a bastard. If you really want to know, ask me.

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