
Great..you made it to my page! This page consists of the many things that I enjoy doing, reading into, or just plain admire! I started this page back in the middle of August in 1997. Much of this work was put together when I was bored on summer vacation. Updates and more work is to be done to this page in the future considering the fact that I will be ending school once again on exactly May 21, 1998. Great, eh? I'm thrilled!! Thanks for touring my page and please don't hesitate to sign my guestbook and give me ideas... I would like to hear them!!

ThIs PaGe HaS bEeN vIsItEd TiMeS!!!

Come And See The Links To My Friend's Pages!!
My Jackie-Joyner Kersee page!
*Days of Our Lives!!!*
Austin Peck!!! *~New~*
Mountain Dew.....

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