Upcoming: There's major additions planned for the Saitou shrines, though they are low priority. Also, I'm going to be adding some fun things, including something called the "Box of Chibis". I'll also finish revamping my main page, making it easier to use by adding frames and a site map. Finally, I will hopefully be moving my whole webpage to a larger server soon! This will be more reliable, and my website won't be hosted in a million different places. Yay!

September 1, 2000

The Dragon Fire fanfiction contest is on!! If you didn't enter a story, too bad, it's too late. If you're a member or want to become one, head to the Dragon Fire page, check out the stories, and vote for your favourite. I also added an impassioned essay about why Zel should be with Amelia to my Zelgadis shrine. That shrine is also on the list to become one of the top 50 Slayers sites. Go there and vote for me, please! Finally, I also got a few more reasons why Saitou is the best, and added a new webring to my links page.

August 9, 2000

All right, this one is a little late, but that's all right. I greatly scaled back my Dragon fire page, mostly due to lack of time and lack of interest from members. Better to do less well, than more badly, ne? The contests are continuing, but the monthly features are being put on hold and being made periodic features instead (i.e. whenever something strikes me and I have time to do it), and I'm scrapping the member features due to lack of excitement about the idea. It's a good little club, though ^_^ I began my promised revamp of the main page by adding a links page to better differentiate the stuff that's mine from the stuff that ain't. I also got rid of the Dark Men of Anime thing and just made all the shrines I'd done their own little thing. I figure it's easier to find them that way, and I wasn't working on any of the other shrines anyway. I don't have that kind of time, unfortunately.

July 27, 2000

OK, this is almost becoming a regular thing, to do an update every month! That sucks. Anyway, I added a new link to my Saitou shrine, along with the 50th reason why he's the most kickass character in Rurouni Kenshin, a few new members of Dragon Fire, a BUNCH of new reasons why Zelgadis should or should not end up with Amelia, and overhauled Dragon Fire's Upcoming Contests page. Cool, ne?

June 27, 2000

Wow almost a whole month since I last did a major update. No wonder it took me so friggin' long. Gomen nasai, minna-san! I had to change my email address on my whole webpage, because I no longer have chichiri mail, so that took a while. I also added some reasons why Zelgadis should or shouldn't get together with various people and I've added a bunch of new members to Dragon Fire since the last time. I haven't bothered doing a special update for that, but trust me, there's movement on that front.

May 31, 2000

Yeah, it's a day early, but I didn't want to wait for midnight. Besides, it's June 1st somewhere in the world! I put up the first of Dragon Fire's Monthly Features today. That doesn't sound like a lot, but it IS.

May 28, 2000

A lot of updates today minna-san, most of them having to do with Dragon Fire. I added new members, updated some info on other members, and added some new banners generously donated by Madame Blue! I also added an announcement for my upcoming addition: the Monthly Dragon Fire Feature. Go to the Dragon Fire page to find out what it is ^_^. I also added a new reason why Lina is perfect for Zelgadis to my Zel shrine. Keep those submissions coming people!

May 18, 2000

All right, everyone on three... 1... 2... 3... KILL DENCITY!!! Anyone who's been surfing my page in the last while may have noticed that many things have been weird about the portions of my webpage that are hosted by dencity... like the fact that random spaces have been excised from my page. It's not me, I swear to God. Well, now dencity is down and I wasn't able to upload yesterdays update, so I've moved all of the dencity stuff to another server. This one seems decent. *crosses fingers* Hopefully I'll be able to get proper webspace on a large server soon and this whole things will be moot.

May 17, 2000

A long list of members for Dragon Fire have been added after I allowed them to pile up while at Anime Central. Yay!! There's also a few new Matches Made in Heaven in the Fushigi Yuugi, Gundam Wing and Slayers pages, and I began the process of revamping my main page. I didn't have much time, but I wanted to see what this looked like so I uploaded it in the form you see it in now. I'm going to add frames (kowai!) and mess with it some more when I have more time later. Ja!

May 10, 2000

The Wufei Fan Club, Dragon Fire, is now officially up and running. Don't everyone rush to join up at once. On second thought, please do, because I don't have very many members right now. That's all for today ^_^

April 27, 2000

A few housekeeping things. I fixed some things in the Aoshi shrine info, because I'm a baka *bashes self*. Thanks to my friend Angela for pointing out where I'd gone wrong before I looked too much like a fool *grin*. I also added a link to the Takuhitsu Fanfiction Awards, because they're cool, though I'm technically not affiliated with them in any way, besides the fact that my friend is one of the organizers. I also added a reason why Saitou is the best, which is cool, because it brings me up to 49 reasons!

April 22, 2000

Just a little update today. I added a response to my essay about why Saitou isn't evil, a reason why Saitou is the greatest and a new match to the Gundam Wing and Weiss Kreuz pages in the Matches Made in Heaven section. I also added a link to the Saitou Fan Club that I'm a part of, and added banners for some of the pages on my links pages. Wow, this is sounding like my last update. Just to make things interesting, I also finally created my Aoshi shrine, though it doesn't have a lot right now. If anyone has suggestions on what I can do for Aoshi-sama, please email me at chichiri_no_da@chichiri.com onegai shimasu.

April 9, 2000

I did a little update today. I added a link to my Zelgadis Shrine, a reason why Saitou is the greatest, and a new match to the Gundam Wing and Ranma 1/2 pages in my Matches Made in Heaven section. That is all. Oh well.

March 18, 2000

Well, well, well, I got a lot done today. I created my new section, called "Matches Made in Heaven", check it out! I also moved my Misc section to a new server to make some more room for Saitou-sama's shrine. If that broke your link, I humbly apologize. I also got rid of my poetry section since no one seemed to care much anyway, and since the writer of the poetry seems to have decided that I am something akin to Satan. Oh well, that's his loss. Finally, I added some more reasons why Saitou-sama is the greatest. ^_^

March 5, 2000

Well, my more-often-than-monthly update seems to have jumped up to bite me in the ass today. I've added some reasons why Lina and Amelia are good matches for Zelgadis to my Zel shrine, so be sure to go check those out. I've also removed the 'no da's from everywhere but my Miscellaneous page, because *sob* people said they were *choke* annoying! *sigh* But I won't remove them from the Misc page, because that's *mine* damnit! ^_^ I don't mind, actually. I was considering taking them out anyway, so don't feel bad if you're one of the people who begged me to remove them ^_^

Febrary 25, 2000

I'm finally finished the Zelgadis shrine, since I finally got off my ass and added the Links page. Of course, it's not really finished, since I'll constantly add new things, but at least there's no dead links ^_^ . I also made cosmetic changes to my Chichiri shrine, with permission from the creator of the background. It's actually a wallpaper, so if you have photoshop you can adjust the levels back to normal and have a cool Chichiri wallpaper for your computer! I also joined some webrings.

February 19, 2000

Yes, I spent from 4:00 February 18th to 1:00 am February 19th working on my webpage, so technically this latest upload is for Febrary 19th. I'm really tired, but the Zelgadis shrine is almost finished. The matchmaker section is finished now, which just leaves the links, but I'm too tired to do them right now. I'll probably do them later today. Have fun with that section, I had fun writing it, and I'm sure you'll be more creative than I am!

Later on February 18, 2000

Yeah, well I liked what I said on the updates before my exam, and now I'm done my exams (yay!). Result: I've been working on my webpage for 4 hours straight. Basically, I totally reorganized my page. I hope none of you really liked any links you may have to it. ^_^; It's much more organized now for me, and that's what matters! I also added a banner to Miko no da's webpage to the main page, which got lost in the shuffle somewhere. I really like how that one worked out.

February 18, 2000

The furious drive to both pass exams and get my webpage up continues! I added a cute pic of Saitou and Kenshin to the Saitou fanart page. I guess I'll have to start adding shounen ai warnings now (mou!) but it's not so bad, so I won't bother for now. I also added another pic to the censored section of the Zelgadis image shrine and some animated gifs to the multimedia page. Don't all rush there at once now! I know you're excited...

February 16, 2000

I've started a major overhaul of my page, which is changing the focus a little bit. Virtually everything is going to be touched, so be sure to check back frequently. Don't worry, everything is still there, but some of the links *have* changed. The Saitou Shrine is now accessible through The Dark Men of Anime website. Sorry, not all the links work yet, because this is a monumental project and I have exams, but I'm working on it. Currently, I've messed with the banners, and added my membership in the Trowa fan club. I've added a *bunch* more pics to Saitou's Shrine. I've also put up a Zelgadis shrine, which is slightly unfinished, but worth going to anyway.

January 3-4, 2000 (wow, that felt weird to type...)

Added a couple of new reasons why Saitou is the Greatest, and added the first reply to my essay on Why Saitou Isn't Evil. Please make sure you put an evil rating on those, people!  Added some new neeto pics to my Saitou Image Shrine, which resulted in a new section called "fanart".  I also converted all of my image shrines into thumbnails - finally! - so it's much quicker to load now.  Thank goodness!  And I fixed some links in "Chichiri no da's part of the shrine" so they make more sense.

December 30, 1999

Added my banners for the Duo Fan Club, and for Vote Xellos 2000.  Yeah, I know I'm not an American, but if I were, I would vote for him!  Besides, if he loses, maybe he'll run for Prime Minister. I added the essay "Why Saitou Isn't Really Evil" to my Saitou Shrine, and created a page on which to post any replies, comments, and refutations.

November 7, 1999

Added this updates page, added a number of new reasons why Saitou is the Greatest to the Saitou Hajime Shrine.  I also made the title to the main page a little easier to read against the foresty background.  I moved my LIAC stories to Miko no da's webpage with the rest of my fanfiction, and finally, I moved the link to my personal miscellaneous part of the Shrine, to the main page, and made a few minor changes to it.

Before November 7, 1999

Well, my webpage was created somewhere in here no da!  I've been updating it about weekly since then, but you can't expect me to remember all that na no da!

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