The best places in China by far are...
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sites on China/certain cities
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Cities with character - what you are looking for in a China
- Lijiang - vernacular architecture; make a trip to Hu Tiao
- Kashgar - biggest Sunday bizarre in the world; nothing
- Kuche - let's hope they don't build an airport there
- Xia He - tranquility (right: Tibetan
Buddhists spin prayer wheels in Xiahe, Gansu)
- Pingyao - great, well preserved Ming and Qing dynasty
architecture and courtyards (below,
right: farmer prepares his donkey for early morning work
in Pingyao, Shanxi)
- Yangshuo - beautiful scenery; easy to travel; but too
many European expat-lifers living there now?
For food, head to:
- Chengdu -for the xiao chi alone
- Wuxi/Nanjing -
OK, but bound to disappoint:
- Three Gorges - we won't miss very much
- Ice Lantern festival (Harbin)
- Chongqing - pollution, no bikes?
- Wuhan - arm pit of the nation? ranking it this high is
being generous...
- Tianjin - not much special, if you asked me
areas if you have time:
- Dalian - clean city
- Shanghai - it's where the action is
- Xiamen - must visit gu lang yu dao
- Guilin - but remember, "gui lin shan shui jia tian
xia, yang shuo feng jing jia gui lin".
- Dali - like Lijiang but too many backpackers
- Xishuangbanna - if you can go for po shui jie, you will
never forget the three days there?
Just to see the
- Shenzhen
- Wenzhou
- Quanzhou
us your top China spot
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Last updated: April 10, 1998.