For free Readings or Contacts with   Family, Friends that have Passed over, 
 or for meeting your Guides, please email me your Questions and please 
state your Name and Age. I offer this and all other services free of charge
although your kind thoughts will be very much felt.
I can not tell you if you will win the lottery and I can't give you the 
winning Lotto numbers
This service is really a means to prove that life after Death is very real
and probally nothing like you have been led to  believe before. 

Blessings to You

Due to the overwhelming demand for my services, I am having great difficulties
finding the money to continue using the internet as a way to help others to
communicate with their guides, friends and families.  After great soul 
wrenching and asking for guidance, I feel in my heart I must ask for $10 US 
as a donation for my readings, to assist me in my work.  Some of you know me
well enough to realize just how difficult it is for me to make such a request,
after having provided this service voluntarily over the past __ years.
I truly hope this does not upset anyone.  
This is not compulsory for those who cannot afford to pay.
Because of my back injury and the limited amount of time I can sit 
at the computer, I would like to purchase a program which will allow me to talk,
 while the computer types.  This way I could answer more e-mails from my bed.

Thanks for your understanding.

My banking details are as follows:
Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Ryde Branch
account number 06-2245-10097079

May the great spirit shine on us all

Dale Scholes

If you would like to learn more about your Astrology and your Numerogoly chart send me details with, Name Birthday Place of Birth Longatude and Latitude Time of Birth I will Email back to you all reports I process and please keep your copies safe as I will not be able to keep any on file Please expect a week for me to send back to you.

MY ICQ HOMEPAGE: Please contact via ICQ or Email
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