NickName: Kinkwood (aka: Kink, Kinky, KB....and a few choice ones my wife calls me sometimes )

Why I chose this nick: It's a long story!! It really is! It's not what you think the name would imply --> get your minds out of the gutter! LOL LOL

First Name: Dave

Location: Florida

Things I like: Most everything

Things I don't like: Going down water park slides backwards. Don't cha just hate it when you don't know where you're going! SUMMIT PLUMMIT RULES!!! Blizzard Beach - Orlando FL (At: 120 ft. high, 360 ft. long it's the highest, longest and fastest water slide ride in the country! You achieve a speed of 60 mph...ride lasts for 4 seconds...wedgie lasts for a month!! LOL )

Favorite Saying: "No matter where you go....there you are!"