NickName: LolaLinda

Why I chose this nick: I made up the name for someone else who wanted to try IRC (I already had one of my own and didn't want her using it in all the sex channels). I wanted to use just "Lola" because it sounded slutty, but that nick was already taken. Also around this time former President Nixon had died and I believe the place they were having the burial was called Yorma Linda....and that is why I added "Linda." I kind of liked it after I made it up so I kept it for myself.

First Name: Melissa

Location: Somewhere in Pennsylvania....that's in the USA for all my Canadian friends.

Things I like: Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream, cake, cheesecake, candles, sandals and toe nail polish.

Things I don't like: Mosquitos, ticks, traffic and dirty public restrooms.

Favorite Saying: "As you say." I have found that this phrase is a great argument ender...kind of like saying the other person is right and letting them know they aren't all at the same time.