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"Walking and Living by Faith " handbooks are created by the Seminars and Workshops Ministry of Christ Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.- C.O.O.L.J.C. to furnish Bible-believing Saints with solid King James resource materials. "Study to shew thyself approved unto God; a workman that needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth"- 2 Timothy 2:15.
Walking and Living By Faith Volume 2- Obedience a Sign of Love- "If you love me; keep my commandments" - John 14:15
He that loveth God cherisheth Him above all things and in all things. Behold our God, Our all in all. What more can be ask for or want, and what greater happiness can we desire? The Word is sweet and savory to us that love God, not the world nor the things that are in the world. Our God and Our all! God understands every problem and know every solution. His grace is sufficient. Whose name we love to repeat often with delight.
Christ is Love. The way to imitate Him and to be like Him is to love Him. It is not by vain prayers or friutless adoration, nor in outward display, that we show our love, but we must love God in our brethren. Christ Himself said: "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye love one another. By this shall all men know tha ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another." John 13:34-35
And how shall we love our neighbors? By loving him as Christ has loved us. He has been our light; let us be a light to our fellowmen. He has preached by His example; let us speak to them by our deeds. He has been a propitiation for us; let us be to them a link of reconcilation.
Oh flower of the men and women of God, a multitude of human beings look to us. Let's give them the good tidings of Christ. Let us be an example to them. Let us put into practice "The Imitation of Christ". If they see us idling away our lives in the midst of pleasures, how shall they love their life of labor? If gold is our God, how shall they accept their poverty? If they see us worshipping the vainglory of life, how shall they regard their lowliness? If they see our nonsense, what shll become of their chasity? If they see us rushing to diviorce courts, how can they believe that what God has joined together, man cannot put asunder? If they hear that we profane the orchards and nurseries of God merely for shameful and selfish commerce, if they hear that we devise to control the very work of God, what will they think of the value of life?
The ten commandments were given unto Moses (Exodus 20). The teachings of these commandments in Matthew 5:19. And Jesus' last commandment in Matthew 28:19-120. Then Jesus said a new commandment I give John 13:34 and If you love me, Keep my commandments John 14:15.
You will be blessed if you obey- Duet 11:13, because the winds and the sea obey him Matthew 8:27. God stated in Acts 5:29 to Obey God rather than men. We must teach our children to Obey their parents Col 3:20.
Surely you love the Lord Thy God as stated in Duet 6:5 and Matthew 22:37. But do you love your enemies Matthew 5:44 or love thy neighbor as stated in Lev. 19:18 or Matthew 19:19. Those who love God, love his brother also I John 4:21. We must love one another John 15:12, I John 4:7. Because no greater love has no man- John 15:13. As we read Romans 8:35- we learn about the love of Christ. We find in Romans 13:10 that love worketh no ill.
Paul wrote a whole chapter about love in I Cor. 13. If John were here today he could or may have used this saying "Talk is Cheap". If the church was totally dependent upon tithes and offerings we give, if Paul was here in this day and time he might use this saying "Put your money where your mouth is." Then we should not love in word but in deed- I John 3:18.
The commandment may be general or particular in its bearing; the authority is either Human or Divine. It refers to the expressed will of God. Let us continue to show that kind of love commanded and that exemplifies a Christ like spirit through our Obedience to the Word of God. Then we can truly say we have the True sign of love because we are keeping his commandments.
https://christtemple.tripod.com/belief.html Christ Temple Church-Doctrinal Beliefs