The Meaning of Christmas

On one magical night two thousand years ago mankind was sent a king. One who came to deliver a powerful message of hope to an unstable world. One whose throne was not of this world, but beyond it. Christ was, and is, the only king to come forth not with a desire to be served, but to serve. He promised us an eternity of happiness that unfolded in his spoken truths, countless miracles, and in the written word of God. Christ is the only king to have acended to a throne without wealth, power and prestige in the limited worldly sense simply because what He offered us far exceeded this in value. He is the only king whose name isn't found etched on a tombstone because he conquered death and proved to us that our ultimate destiny lies not in the earth, but rather the heavens if only we would accept Him for who He truly was.

When Christ appeared after the crucifiction in bodily form before the witness of hundreds, He sent a powerful message to all of us that has permeated through the centuries and is captured in the following quote, 1 Corinthians 15, 51-52: "Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all die, but shall be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable and we shall all be changed." Christ promised us we could become something far greater than we could ever imagine, all from the power of His love. Jesus lived then and He lives now in heaven and in our hearts, echoing the true meaning of Christmas, a celebration not only of His birth, but of His life.