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John 3:8

"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."


Regeneration is a theological term used to describe what is commonly referred to as being born again. Simply put, it is the work of the Holy Spirit touching human hearts, offering spiritual life in place of spiritual death. John 3:8 states that when we are born of the Spirit, we hear the sound of the wind, but we don't know where it comes from or where it is going. In the routine of daily life, God enters the human heart and touches it in a way that cannot be reduced to mere words. He plants, deep within our soul, the seed from which our hunger and desire for Him continue to grow and mature through all the days of our lives.

In His infinite wisdom, God the Spirit leads us and reveals His plan for our lives, not all at once, but in stages. As we begin our new relationship with Him through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we do so like a newborn child. Our dependence on Him is obvious as we struggle to grow in the faith, taking our first, somewhat wobbly, steps towards Christian maturity. We're eager to spend time with Him, reading His Word, trusting His Son. As we look to Him in a spirit of surrender, we feel those first wobbly steps become more secure. Yet even then, we do not know where He will take us on this journey of faith.

As a child learns to lean on his/her parents, we learn that we must trust God and not worry where He is taking us or how He will meet our needs. We are comforted by the words of Scripture that remind us of the care He gives for even the birds of the air and the lilies of the fields. As the newborn baby knows its mother and her tender care, we desire to know you, Lord. Beneath the layers of doubt and fear, beneath hurts of the past and regrets for what might have been, we seek comfort, peace, and direction for the future.

Let the world go by. Remember how it was when you were new creatures in Christ--long for Him again with the same passion and intensity. Let Him guide your footsteps here and now and into eternity.

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