This book was written not of my own thoughts, but from the Spirit of the Holy One. Read and try to understand it. This is the reality of this world that will benefit for everyone, who are still living on this earth. I would like to say more, but this will be sufficient while we are still alive. Remember that earth is a training ground to reach His Kingdom in God’s rest.
If the truth of Jesus was revealed from the beginning of His birth, there would be no completion of the law of the Word. Because God has a plan for everything and everyone. Since the death of Jesus, the truth is kind of being revealed. But the people hardened their hearts, because their god is their desire of their own flesh. That is why the wisdom of understanding is hard for them to understand. Pride and comfort of their flesh is what they are looking for. Not the Soul and Spirit that will lead them to ever lasting life.
In the beginning of eternity the Word is God. The Word of God cannot be broken because that is a promise that should be fulfill. God is Holy and clean. Sin is filthy and God cannot tolerate sin. Sin is a sin, whether big or small, it is still a sin. The law of the Word of God is:
In the beginning of creation Father, the Son of God created Heaven and Earth. After it was created, earth became filthy because of the sin of Adam and Eve, which is DISOBEDIENCE, by not obeying Gods command. This will cause the destruction of human mankind and the nature of the earth. God created the earth, so He doesn't want it to be totally destroyed, He poured out His Spirit in the water of earth to be a protection while He was planning to do things to construct the earth. The Word is God and God says, "The wages of sin in death". And the only way that this debt could be paid was the shedding of blood. There must be shedding of blood to pay the sin and the shedding of blood must be pure and clean. (In the old testament people kept offering bulls and lambs, which were clean and no defect, as an offering for their sin. But this lamb and bull is not enough for ever lasting life). God is not satisfied on that kind of offering because He loves us so dearly. He had another plan that would be enough for everyone. (God is a spirit. Spirits are immortal and Spirit never dies.) With out death and the shedding of the blood there is no forgiveness. God Himself started to preserve the construction of the earth by giving his only Son to be the living sacrifice to save the whole world. (Son of God is Spirit and never dies). So He used Mary to be the instrument, to be in flesh. So the Son of God which is a spirit goes to the womb of Mary to become mortal. (Mortal being - having flesh and blood. And they die. To be a mortal, there must be body and soul.)
When the time came, a wonderful sign appeared in the sky. A star. The Star was born which was the Messiah, the Savior. His name is Jesus. The father of lies which is satan, knows that this child will be the Savior. So he did things to use a mortal person or human being to kill this child. Because, if this child will be killed there is no living sacrifice (sacrifice means by your own will). That's why the child kept transferring from place to place, so the killer could not kill him. (You can see that there is war between immortal and immortal , and mortal to mortal.) The child was protected and no one could chase Him for awhile.
When Jesus was young He was in His Father's house being taught and learning through His Father. At the age of twelve He started His ministry, teaching the people about the Word of God. In the temple Mary said to Him "I'm looking for you." Jesus answered, "Why are you looking for me. You know that I'm in my Father's house." Mary didn't answer Him because Mary knows who He really is. As a husband of Mary which is Joseph, they are the only two who knew about Jesus. Because they are the two that God revealed Himself when Jesus was to be conceived.
By the time of Jesus’s Ministry, He taught the people about God's Word. People were amazed of what He was saying. Jesus became popular and being well known of His wisdom and understanding. So some who heard Him got envy and jealous. Some of these people were trying to lay their hands to kill Him. But His hour of time has not yet come.
Jesus was in danger. Some people wanted to kill Him because of envy, jealousy and pride. In the River of Jordan, Jesus was baptized of water by John. (Water has the Spirit of God as a protection). When He was baptized, the Spirit of God comes from heaven and goes to Jesus’s body. And only Jesus and John heard the voice above. "This is my Son, my beloved Son, who I am pleased." The Holy Spirit of God who was in heaven goes to Jesus. Just think of it, three spirits are now is in the body of Jesus.
After baptism satan tempted Jesus, but Jesus could not be tempted. Because He has the power of the Mighty Spirit.
Jesus knows that His time is getting near. He selected 12 people to be His disciples. Jesus taught them, and they learned from Him, about the WORD OF GOD and His COMMAND. These disciples are being used to spread the Word of God and to continue His ministry from generation to generation, and to the whole world.
The power of God is given to Jesus as a protection to His body (A body of a mortal). That's why the people could not kill Him. Because of the protection, and it was not yet the time.
Jesus and His disciples kept working on spreading the Word of God and His command and the benefits of the Words which were spoken.
When His time was about to come, He gathered His disciples and revealed to them what was going to happen. Giving them instruction and advice and things to remember. The disciples refuse Him to leave but Jesus said to them, "It must be fulfilled".
When Jesus was praying in the Garden of Getsemani, He knows and He feels what's going to happen to Him. (His body is of a mortal so He knows what kind of hurt and suffering He will go through.) But because of being OBEDIENT to His Father, He said, “Whatever your will, your will shall be done”. Jesus followed the will of His Father through His body, Soul and Spirit. Jesus died on the cross to fulfill the law. (The wages of sin is DEATH) And it can be paid through a living sacrifice which God did through His Son, through the body which His name is Jesus.
Keep listening, hearing and reading God’s Word, which can be found in the bible. Practice God’s Word everyday of your life for an everlasting life with Jesus Christ in eternity.
Hal & Ampy Pierce
It takes three lines to form a plane figure; and three dimensions of length, breadth, and height are necessary to form a solid. Therefore, the number three is the symbol of the cube (the simplest form of a solid figure). Three is the symbol of the cube or solid contents. The number three means solid, real, substantial, complete, and entire.
There are three divisions of time: past, present, and future. In scripture, three denotes divine completeness or perfection. There are three persons in the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It was on the third day that Jesus was perfected at the resurrection. The Tabernacle of Moses had three parts: outer court, inner court, and Holy of Holies.
Mankind is a trichotomy, a three-fold being: spirit, soul, and body. We are a spirit. We have a soul and we live in a body.
The spirit is made up of three functions:
(1) conscience (2) intuition (3) communion.
The soul is made up of three functions:
(1) mind (2) will (3) emotions.
The body is made up of three functions:
(1) blood (2) bones (3) flesh.
The spirit is made up of conscience, intuition, and communion. The conscience is a person's sense of what is right and wrong. Intuition is the power of knowledge or understanding something immediately without reasoning or being taught. Communion is fellowship with God.
The Hebrew word for, "Spirit" is ,"ruach". This word means breath and represents something that is invisible except by its manifestations seen externally to man as well as internally within man. It is the invisible origin of life. It comes from God and returns to God. The word, "Spirit" in the New Testament is, "Pneuma". It primarily denotes wind, and like the wind, it is invisible and powerful.
Your soul is your mind, will and emotions. Your personality is the sum total of your mental, emotional, and social characteristics. Therefore, your personality is a part of your soul. Your personality will change as your soul learns to submit to the Spirit of God within you.
Through the salvation of the spirit and the salvation of the soul, our bodies will be saved. We are waiting for the redemption of our body. Our corruptible bodies will put on incorruption and our vile body shall be fashioned unto His glorious body as He subdues all things unto himself. As our mind is renewed to the truth of the Word and our soul is brought into subjection of the Word, even our bodies will be changed so that sickness and death has no part in us.
* Spirit, Soul and Body (section only) credits go to Fellowship Net
Now the truth has been revealed. The instruction and His command has to be followed, to have a new life in this world, where we live.
1. "I am the LORD your God, "You shall have no other gods before me."
2. "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below."
3. "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name."
4. "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy."
5. "Honor your father and your mother."
6. "You shall not murder."
7. "You shall not commit adultery."
8. "You shall not steal."
9. "You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor."
10. "You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."