The bible is the love letter of God to His people.
And His book is the guidance for our life,
to keep our paths straight.

There Are Three Substances Or Parts In Human Mankind

The Body
The Soul
The Spirit.

The body can not move without the soul
and the inner part of the body is the spirit, which is God by Himself.

The Three Certain Times Of Generations
When God Calls His Children To His Kingdom.

Praise God that now I can see that I have the right way to enter into His kingdom.
When my body dies, my soul and Spirit has a place to go.

The final decision before the rapture takes place and before the end time comes that all men, women and children must be born again. Read John 3.

Three Ways To Know and Have A Relationship With God.

  • Learn and have knowledge of God’s word which is found in the bible.

1) The history of God’s life.
2) The history of generations.
3) And His guide lines for man’s life.
  • What ever we learn through His book, we have to meditate it, obey it and walk the path of the words in it. This is the way to show our trust and faith in God without doubt.
  • What ever we learn from God, through and with our trust and faith, we must practice it and live it, so the wisdom of total understanding of His mystery will be given to us by our sovereign King. (Read John 3:8)

My Short Prophecy of the Rapture

Don’t worry about the rapture time. Just keep reading the word of God, and meditate it, obey it and walk the path of the words in it. Because His words will always exist in our lives till the end times. All I can say is “man must be born again while he is still alive in this world, to see and enter the kingdom of God .

SEE - means to feel the happiness of this world and to feel His mystery power in our life.

ENTER - means to go inside a place to be in.

Created by Ampy on September 7, 1996

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