Science is something that I believe is important to humanity. Science is the reason that you are looking at this screen, and the reason that all the possibilities of travel and communication exist today.

Provided that, as a species, we can learn to be responsible with the incredible power that science has given us, there is no reason why all the dreams of all the storytellers who imagine Mankind spreading throughout the galaxy cannot come true.

As this page grows, I'm going to share some of the fantastic discoveries that have been part of the history of science, and look at some of the great work that people have been doing in expanding the sphere of human knowledge.



In recent months, space has been back in the news in a big way. Some of the most incredible discoveries have been made in the last year. Pathfinder went to Mars, the Lunar Prospector is searching for water on the Moon, and the Cassini probe is heading for Saturn. See these and all of the other planned mission at NASA's site

Here's some great work that's being done at the moment. Computer simulations have allowed us to simulate real world conditions in such a way that we can show how behaviour and evolution may have developed. At the moment this link just goes to a great A-life site, but that will change as this page grows.

Here are some links to some real head-cases…People right out there on the edge… Check these guys out if you want to laugh very very hard…