The Great Wall Of Chyna

This site last updated 5/15/2000. NEW MAIN PAGE MUSIC! Ain't it cool? (Check out the webring...if u have a Chyna site, u need to join this ring! If u don't, u can still see some really great pages by clicking on the 'List of Sites' link in the webring itself!)

ATTENTION! There is music on most of these pages...So if u want the full effect of the mood I'm trying to convey, wait for the page to fully load before scrolling. Thanks!

The Ninth Wonder of the World

Career Highlights: Intercontinental Champion (2 Defenses)

Real Name: Joanie Laurer
Born: Londondery, NH (WWF Magazine, OCT '98)
Birthdate: December 27, 1971
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 195 pounds
Bench: 365
Dead Lift: Mid 400's

As the song says ..."Don't treat me like a woman, don't treat me like a man...don't treat me like you know me ...just treat me for who I am!"

After having studied professional wrestling under the legendary Killer Kowalski, Chyna decided that another one of his former students could use her assistance. Triple H, the student to which Kowalski measured all the rest, had been looking for someone new to accompany him ringside to watch his back. Realizing that all the men he had trusted with the job had failed him, Triple H was certainly open to the idea of allowing a female to perform the task. The two superstars immediately formed the most devastating male/female team the world of professional wrestling had ever seen. She became the official bodyguard for D-Generation X, and provided the back-up muscle for the elite group in the world of professional wrestling.

Chyna has proven herself in the ring. She was first woman ever to compete in both the Royal Rumble and the King of the Ring tournament! Then, she became the first-ever female Intercontinental Champion at October 1999's No Mercy VS Jeff Jarrett. Now a true force to be reckoned with, Chyna is breaking new ground for women all over the world every day.

My Opinions on Chyna: Well, where do i start? I guess i have to say i think Chyna is probably one of the best female athletes i have ever laid eyes on. I never liked fact i hated it! But my boss and one of my cashiers at work would talk about it constantly! One day (i think they did this on purpose heh) they left a wrestling mag open to a picture of Chyna, and as i passed by it, i had to stop and look. (they know my taste in women hehe) Since that day, i have watched faithfully every week just in hopes of seeing her wrestle. I have borrowed tape after tape of her matches and am amassing a nice collection of the highlights of her career so far. I'll tell ya, Xena ain't got nothin on Chyna baby!

So now that i have been "labeled" a true Chyna-holic, i had no choice but to design a site in her honor. Watching her in the ring is such an adrenalin rush...the athleticism, the awesome power and strength she possesses is truly something to see. (And she ain't hard on the eyes neither y'all hehe)

BUT...there is one thing that really bothered me as i watched more and more. And that is the way that devious Miss Kitty dumped her as soon as she lost the Intercontinental belt! Oh my! I was pretty mad about that, I mean come on! Kitty how low can u get? Abandoning Chyna like that! Sure...tag along for the ride and then just DUMP her when she probably felt terrible after having to tap out against that ass Jericho? YOU Miss Kat (or whatever the heck yer name is now) have to be the lowest piece of dirt to ever walk the face of the earth! I'll tell ya, I would have never done that to a friend. SO, all I have to say is this...


No pools, no mud, no the ring. And I will AVENGE the wrong done to my hero Chyna. Miss Kitty, you will pay for the way you used will pay for making a mockery of friendship! Nuff said.

Think I'm kidding? Heh, well I'm not! I am NO slouch Chyna fans! If you care to see what I look like, CLICK HERE!

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Since 2/20/2000

This site is not affiliated with the WWF in any way. All page designs and graphics Copyright 2000 by me, please do not use without written permission from myself. Most pics courtesy WWF.COM (NO, I am not gettin one red cent for all this free advertising I am givin the WWF! Hehe, but that's ok, cuz i have fun makin the pages!)If there is a pic on these pages that i got from your site, please email me so i can give you credit for it. I have forgotten where i got them all!