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Maniacs visited this HP since May 1st, 1998


(Revolutionary group against chain letters)

GROC is formed by a group of ppl who don't wanna be bothered w/ those stupid chain letters... every single day you look in your mailbox or open your ICQ and you certainly see at least one of those chains... they are totaly useless... most talking about love things that if you don't foward the msg nobody will ever love you or a seven-headed dragon is gonna eat your family and burp in your face *LOL* well not exactly but that kind foolish... I mean it's all fake , ppl who don't have nothing to do or like to bother others... of course messages like: "bla bla my kid disappeared .. I need help" are accepted and it's usefull if it's true...
If YOU are one more victim of those "criminals" , if you think like us... just join the GROG association (see the rulez and the actions against these net vandals..*l*..) and leave a "HELLO" in our guestbook.=)

Sign our Guestbook and join the G.R.O.G.!

Guestbook by GuestWorld

See the members!!!

Who invented the G.R.O.G.

It was a guy called Dudu Dust, well I don't know him but I know the vice-president...anyways let's just put her(the vice-president) history about the day when it was created:

"Well, in april 12th of 1998 I was just visiting some page and w/ my ICQ on, when Dudu Dust(my friend in PF1) sent me a message against those chain letters, and he said he was the president of the G.R.O.G. (created by him), immediatly I agreed w/ his idea: FOR EACH CHAIN LETTER RECEIVED THE SENDER WOULD GET 7(SEVEN) COPYS OF THE CHAIN LETTER HE SENT(OR BIGGER) as an "award" bcuz of his "good action"... Then he put me as the vice-president. So as many ppl liked the idea i built this HP , to make easier the acess. I hope everyone fight very hard against those foolish... afterall we are a revolutionary group...*LOL* "
Betty Boop Crazy Kootchi or Cindy

that's the history..so where do I get on this? Well naturaly she started to tell all friends bout it. so she told me, I joined and she asked help to do this page in English(the portuguese one was already done)....

What to do against them?

The 1st thing after you join the G.R.O.G. should be: Notify all your cyber friends that u joined the G.R.O.G. , and you're NOT going to tolerate chain letters any more. You also should tell them that for each message sent he/she will get 7 copys of the message.... well if the person's still bothering, and not respecting your rights and blablabla you should put her/him in the ignore list(in case of ICQ) or in case of e-mails ask your server to ignore messages from this person ! Well I guess that's all for now folks! any questions or comments...write us!
Betty Boop Crazy Kootchi also known as Cindy
KuRt CoBaIn a.k.a. Rafael

Ass. KuRt DoNalD CoBaIn GrOg a.k.a. Rafael Caldas

Just A Happy Member =)

Hello Folks!!!

I am very happy today (May 1st) because finally the english version got ready!! My friend Rafael translated all the page, because I was very busy ...

Thank You Rafa (KuRt DoNalD CoBaIn GrOg)!!!

Betty Boop Crazy Kootchi !Uhuu! GROC

Ass. Vice - President