PLEASE READ: FAQ About Becoming A Member: HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? It's free. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET IN? Send me your screen name, real name, gift, age and homepage address. DO I HAVE TO HAVE A HOMEPAGE? No. If you don't, just leave that blank. HOW WILL I KNOW THAT I'M A MEMBER? Keep checking the member list. I'll add you ass soon as I can. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY "GIFT"? No, you don't have to send me some rare Leo pictures to join! All it means, is that you have to have something special to bring to the Church. I LOVE whne pople know a lot about HTML, because I don't. Stuff like, I also like when people can make banners. If you say you mak egreat banners, it better be true because I might call on you. If I call on you, it means you will have to exibit your talent. I'll ask you to make a banner, or whatever. ****************************************** Please send your request for entry like this: Subject: Request For Membership To: Message: Name: Joe Blow Screen name: Joey Age: 16 E-Mail: Homepage: (The Whatever Page) Gift: I can make the COOLEST banners! ******************************************* Because there are so many people wanting to become members, I will only consider you for membership if you fill out your e-mail like the above, exacly like that. If your e-mail is missing any of that information, your e-mail will be deleated! And not matter what, do not send a request more than once! Your e-mail will be read, it just means I haven't gotten to it yet. Your notification of enty will be a newsletter, or you can just check the member list. Getting on usually take about a week or so. I also ask that you sign the guestbook. Thanks, Chloe