PLEASE SIGN THE GUESTBOOK Here are some direct quotes ABOUT Leonardo: People asked: As a onetine teen idol, what advice can you give to Leonardo DiCaprio? Joey Lawrence: "My advice to Leonardo is, 'Don't do any movies with animatronic monkeys.' No, seriously, I applaud all of his creative choices." Peter Noone: "Be nice to all the little girls now, because one day they'll be 40-plus, and they'll still be coming to see you." Leif Garrett: "If there is anything I would tell anybody in this profession, it is never believe your own press. Rock on, Leo." "King Leo" - E! Online "Leo was so beautiful and tender. He made it clear that pleasing me was his top priority. Leonardo is a raw sexual lover and he held me in his arms until I exploded." - Model Karen Butler "The Great One." -- TNT "... the sparkling prince-- the golden-locked boy the whole world seems to want to bang right now. Un-hun, his mighty majesty, Leonardo DiCaprio!" - E! Online On Leo's Kissing: Judith Godrèche (Christine, in MITIM): "Is he a good kisser? Yes. Very good kisser." "Love making with Leonardo is the most wonderful expirence in the world... being Leo's lover is like living out a glorius fantasy. He's even better [in bed] then his millions of female fans could have imagined him to be... I still feel exitement when I recall how his body felt pressed against mine... I first night we made love is a night I'll never forget... Leo's a gental, tender and caring lover who could make any girl putting in his hands. It certainly worked with me, especially after a fantastic first kiss. He's a terrific kisser on top of everything else. He's so sweet in real life too... Any girl strong enough to pin him down and get him to settle will be very lucky. Leo's going to make a terrific husband and father someday. I just know it." -- Kristen Zang (for picture, see "The Gallery" "He's becoming the Beatles right before our eyes." -- Greg Kinnear "He gets laid a lot. So much, it's not even funny." -- Leonardo's close freind, Stephen Dorff "I think Leonardo [DiCaprio] is our Brando, our Mozart, our special, magical, mystical talent... Leonardo just has it. He doesn't reach for it, he doesn't have to go learn it, he just has it, and it's a beautiful thing because he's a beautiful person." -- Sharon Stone "Leo's obviously very aesthetically pleasing," -- Claire Danes "We did that [the bow kissing] scene about 40 times. And I just thought, "Oh, I just can't kiss this guy anymore!"" -- Kate Winslet "He's probably the world's most beautiful-looking man," -- Kate Winslet "He's very funny. He's a very funny guy, so I was just thrilled really, but my fear was that I was just going to fall compleatly in love with Leonardo DiCaprio, because he is beautiful and he is a fantastic actor." -- Kate Winslet "I just love him to bits!" -- Kate Winslet "We became great mates!" -- Kate Winslet "Leo's a sweet kid and, yeah, he's a hot little kid, isn't he?" -- Francis Fisher (plays Kate Winslet's Mum in 'Titanic') "Leo's the bomb." -- Claire Danes "Yeah, he's a cutie... but so, yeah, he's really, really incredably talented, and goofy and sweet..." -- Claire Danes "Now this is basically the love making scene. If there's one woman left on the planet who doesn't want to fuck you, one woman living in the Yukon who just got a T.V., she will after she sees this!" -- Titanic director James Cameron while filming the, "Jack! I'm flying!" scene "He's a genius. He's insaine. And compleatly wild and he didn't listen to me at all. And I was his mother!" -- Meryl Streep "I know him. He is such a sweet guy. I think his sense of style is very fresh, very romantic, very individual." -- Gianni Versace "[Your favourite movie couple]It's Leo as a Montague and Claire as a Capulet. But couldn't they have, like, lived or something?" -- Seventeen, July 1997 "Well, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt had better watch out, cause judging from what happenend in Tokyo over the weekend, Leonardo DiCaprio is quickly on his way to becoming America's hottest sex-symbol." -- Entertainement Tonight "You sure have great taste in obsessions!" -- My Mom More to come soon. If you have a quote ABOUT Leo, them please e-mail me!