Do you want a webpage?

Do you need a webpage?

Tired of seeing all those other teams on the web?

if you answered yes, to any of the following then read on...

Here is what a team web page  can do for you and your team:


Your team web page can help get your players and your program the recognition they deserve.  Use it to profile your athletes with;  players of the game features, all-league and all conference lists.  Can be used to help in the recruiting process of your college bound performers.  Do local radio stations broadcast your games let everyone with web access hear the game.


Profile each years team under one central heading.  Compile stats, records, or accomplishments of your team.   Celebrate  An archive that will never die.  I can only increase.  Instead of always having to say "remember that play when...", how about being able to watch that play over and over when ever you please on the internet.


Kids love the fact that "THEY ARE ON THE NET".  By  registering with the search engines each and every player can search their name and be able to find their team page. (not availiable for football)  Maybe your  coming off a so-so season and looking for something to recharge their enthusiasm.  How about an awesome 3D animated image featuring your roaring cat, fighting gladiator, soaring eagle, or what ever your mascot may be.  Fight song's, Alma Mater's are all possible with just a click of the mouse.


Every team needs $$$$ How bout using your webpage to earn that ever precious dollar.  And no Im not talking about the ridiculous ad banners that you always see on pages.  I'm talking about using your homepage to advertise, booster club membership, program ads, lift-a-thons and any other fundraising activities you may use. Compare the price of a webpage to printing costs, and not to mention saving a few trees.

Sounds pretty good so far, tell me more.

I will make a page for  your team with  or without  you doing anything.  You can send me your logos, graphics, or i can make them for you.   We are only limited by your imagination and budget.  There are several options as to what type of webpage I can make for you.

First, all of the following  folloing packages contain.

  • Find and create a home database if needed.
  • Set up the basics of your page.
  • Free Email Address
  • Counters, guestbook, a banner,
  • Backgrounds, basic graphics, etc.
  • Add you to webrings that match the content of your page.
  • Promote and advertise your page via link exchanges
  • Add you to several banner exchange programs to increase traffic
  • Give you instructions on how to maintain your page on your own.

  •  Free techincal support for one full year.

     You may now select from one of my packages or tell me what you need on the form below.

    TEAM PACKAGE (select by clicking here)
    Does this sound like a dream come true?   I hope so.    I like making homepages and I won't rip you off.  For I am a coach too, and this sure beats teaching summer school.  All fees are negotiable.  If none of the following packages meet your needs use the forms below and tell me exactly what you are looking for and I will submit to you a price.
    I guarantee my work.  My home phone number and address are given to you.  I do not do any credit card transactions (money order or checks only).
          I have researched the costs of web page design and have found that my  fees are about 50% less than those offered by professionals that have never been to an athletic event.  How do you know if they are concerned about the customers.  Business deals on the web are scarry business and I am aware of that.   But as I said before I am a coach and just think that this is the greatest way to help kids get recognized for the things that they love to do.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this page and I hope to be hearing from you soon!
    COACH J.

    If your browser cannot show the following form, please email me your info.



    Use the following to email comments, what you would like title, background, graphics, content, links, webrings you are interested in joining(None of this is final, just a first step) Basic layout, so i can get to work on your page ASAP.

    Not interested at this timebut know somebody who is????
    10% discounts  or 1 free logo design for each refferal


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    All rights reserved
    Contact Coach J