Welcome to My " All About Me"Page.....

I am Debbie owner of Coco's Castle, and the best way to describe my life is to say that "I am Busy As A Bee"....

I hope that you will enjoy your visit and please take a moment to sign my guestbook before leaving.

Name: Deborah Sue Roberts

Live: Eastern Kentucky

Only Daughter of: Stallard and Bonnie Martin

Work: Substitute Teacher

Owner of: Coco's Castle since "1999"

Education: Attending Morehead State University College for a
Elementary Teaching Degree.

Birthdate: March 24, 1970

Born in Albion, Michigan moved to Kentucky at age 12.

Children: 3 kids, Ethan, twin girls Emily and Allie Furbabies 1 dog

I am a Non Drinker - Non Smoker

I am Married to the Love of my life "Jody" .

Some Of My Favorites

Ice Cream: Chocalate (Although I am Lactose Intolerant)

Food: Spahghetti and garlic bread.

Drink: Coke Cola

Color: Pink and Purple, although I like red alot.

Actress: Jane Seymour

Actor: Biran Krause

TV Show: Charmed

Movie: Titainc of course

Song: Forever Love

Singer: Celene Dion

Author: VC Andrews

Book: Heaven

My Best Friend: Baby, My Eight Year Old Himalayan

My Obsessions

My Number one obsession and passion is animals.

Genealogy - I am hoping to write a book, someday!

Titanic is an obsession that I have.

My Hobbies

I love to spend time with my Fur Babies.

I like to Fish and I raise fish

I enjoy playing volleyball

I like to read about the Titanic

I enjoy studying the history of my family.

I love To Desgin Web Pages...

I like the Kentucky Wildcats GO BIG BLUE!!!


My Dislikes

I hate Animal Abusers...

I hate Puppy Mills.


I hate people that want to Cyber on Computers

I hate Hot Weather

I hate Spaghetti Salad

I can't stand the smell of Beer

I don't like people that borrow things, but forget to return them

I don't like people who criticize things they know nothing about.

I don't like people who try to hurt others.

What I Love Most In This World

My Heavenly Father

My Mother: Bonnie Martin

My Father: Stallard Martin

My Boyfriend: Jody Roberts

My Fur- Babies: Tic Tac, Baby, Candi, Sugar, Honey,Tootie, Reese,
Taffy, Presleigh, Jack and Rose.

My Fur- Babies In Heaven: Coco Bear, Tiffaney and Sammy

Grandfather: Joe Martin

ME......... I love me....

Now I want to show you some pics of my life.....

Here is A picture of a School
It is not Moreheard where I go to fullfill
my dream of being a teacher but
it gives you the idea.

This Is Me....
Saying I love you...

I Make sure I have Play time Each day with my fur babies..

Email me at tiffaney@eastky.net


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