Jeff Gordon's 1997 Chevrolet Monte Carlo

Jeff Gordon, being the Christian that he is, is the points leader so far this season. Not only that, but he drives a Chevrolet. How much more holy can you get? He races for the Hendricks team, how is the leading team this year, with back-to-back-to-back Daytona 500 wins.

Where Else to Go

Page Two: Bronco's Pics
Homepage: Bronco's Game Summary
Page Four: Adam's School Life
Page Five: Even More of Adam's School Life

Just a Bunch of Miscelaneous Stuff

I can't believe you made it this far. I figured if you don't like the Broncos, my web sight must be getting very boring. I'll remember you in my prayers. But while you are yet sinners, I will entertain you with other information about nothing. Well, not nothing, something to pass my time. Beats studying.

My Friend's Sites

Huy's Page: It's no longer better than mine.
Bob's Page: It's pretty dumb; he never updates it.
My School's Page: Check it out. If you know where to look, you can find my name.

I haven't updated this in a long old time. I guess I'll just tell you some more news about me. I did win that election I was running in. I am now the Vice President for Organizations at SAGU. It's pretty cool. I haven't started doing much yet, but once school starts, I will be pretty busy. Here's a list of the classes I'll be taking this fall: well, I can't remember them. Anyhow, I am taking 15 hours. That is five classes. Four of them are on MWF, and the other one is a TTH class. So I'll have all kinds of time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. No, still no girlfriend. But I'm still not ruling anything out. Welll, that about does it for now. I'll try to be more reliable in updating this information, because I just know every one of you cares.