The purpose of this info is to find employers or business partners and colleagues. All proposals are welcome.

I am 28, Russian, live in Moscow.

Education - high, Moscow State University Department of Chemistry 1985-1990

B.Sc. (chemistry) degree in 1990

Postgraduate research in Laser centre of USSR Academy of sciences (Troitsk, Moscow region)

Director and chief accountant in commercial firm (trading)

Director in financial corporation

Chief accountant and managing director in pharmaceutical company

Head of department in software branch of pharmaceutical company - ComPro firm

Skills - managing documentation, computing (system & LAN administration, MS Office, MS Access, Frontpage, application development), reasonable approach to problems. Two languages - English and Russian, others could be learnt if necessary. Good ability to learn new and adapt, to communicate with people.

Objectives: to find a position where intellectual approach to things is necessary. Information technologies, systematization of knowledges, chemistry and pharmaceutical involved subjects are preferable. Just to make a work in a good way, have means for personal and intellectual growth and be sociable with good people. Salary about 1000$ a month is good for full-working day and overtime if necessary.

mail or phone (095) 131-6535 after 10 pm Moscow time