We address to pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of pharmaceutical preparates either making business presence in Russia or planning to do so


we need your assistance in providing information about your products
to anyone interested here in Russia

There are many ways to do so: by advertising, exhibitions, meetings and seminars.
We offer another way: pharmaceutical information system QS.

This program is already developed and is planned for wide distribution in Russia. It is convenient and - for you - it is free: while you are providing up-to-date and complete information about your products, you are included in our database and get all upgrades free of charge. Furthermore we can help in translating texts from English to Russian for inserting into database. All information provided by you is included into database only after your approval and agreement. Also we provide space for chargeable advertising.

Main features:

You can look at screenshots on previous page

Interested? Mail us: bvzai@orc.ru