Captain Jack

The conspiracy below was written by the second member of the Conspiracy Guys. I am referred to as Captain Jack. My fellow colleage wrote the Mcguire and White Conspiracies. The incidents which brought us to recognizing the evil conspiracies around us are basically the same, but our experiances were different. To fully enjoy this web page, read all the conspiracies to get the whole story.

Devil in a blue dress?
The Invisible Force Conspiracy

This conspiracy ties in much with the White Conspiracy. I believe the force behind the White Conspiracy is the same as the one who controls this one. Some people believe we all have gaurdian angels, but the truth is, we all have....UN-gaurdian angels. Each person (at leat me and my colleage do) has a sort of un-gaurdian demon following us around making bad stuff happen to us.
Here's an example. I'm at this church meeting thing. I'm sitting next to one of my friend in the first row of the balcony. Right above me is a big, humongous light. I sit there for a while, but soon I start to feel hot. After awhile I start sweating, I mean this things practically BURNING a hole in my head! So I move back to the next pew. I start to get bored so i trie to pull out one of the hymnals out of the back of the pew in front of me. well, it turns out the holder-thing that keeps the pencils and stuff was a litle loose. the screw suddenly comes loose making an OBNOXIOUS crunching sound (every body in the ENTIRE church turns to look). Desperately trying to shove the holder back in place, I dont notice that a pencil was jammed between the holder and the pew, SNAP! The pencil broke as loudly as possible. needless to say everybody tuned and looked. The ironic thing was I had already broken something that day!

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