Meet Kellie Martin!

Kellie Martin was born on October 16, 1975, in Riverside, California. Kellie began acting at the age of seven, thanks mainly to her Aunt Rhonda, who arranged for Kellie to audition for Michael Landon's Father Murphy series. Since then, her career has been a series of leaps and bounds. Probably her best known role was Becca Thacher in Life Goes On. Kellie's other credits include Christy, Face on the Milk Carton, Hidden in Silence, On the Edge of Innocence, Crisis Center, and *many* others. Most recently, Kellie starred in the new tv movie About Sarah. And, she has just joined the cast of NBC's ER as third-year med student Lucy Knight.

Before taking time off from school for ER, Kellie attended Yale University majoring in Art History. "I'm in school for the love of it" she says. "I intend to get a degree. I'm even toying with the idea of going on to graduate school in Art History. I'd love to have a job at the MET [New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art]." "Show business is such a roller-coaster life. I'd like to have my degree and a lot of options." While at school, Kellie has also enjoyed writing for the Yale Daily News.

In May of 1999, Kellie was wed to Columbia Law Student Keith Christian, her boyfriend of several years. Keith proposed while the two were touring the Metropolitan Museum of Art. "He pulled out this little box and I said 'yes' before he could ask the question," said Kellie. They tied the knot in Polson, Montana, Keith's home town. "I could learn a million lines for anything, but not for my wedding. I barely got the words out--I was literally getting choked up," Kellie said afterwards.

Fun Facts:

Kellie loves ballet and photography, and is accomplished at both She even hopes to open her own photo gallery in New York someday.

Favorite Music: U2, Tori Amos, Natalie Merchant, Alannis Morrissette, etc.

Favorite Splurge Food: "Hot Fudge Sundaes, Peanut butter ice cream with tons of hot fudge on top!"

Favorite Dream: "Traveling to every city on this earth."

Idiosyncracies: "I am incredibly neat. And I love to stay up all night watching old movies".

Strangest Fantasy: "To meet Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye."

Fears: "Being alone. I love to have people around."

What makes Kellie cry: "Plays. Even if they're happy, I cry."

Kellie, with mother Debbie, and sister Heather