Adventures of The Cosmic Mariner
Destination:  Unknown
Tales of the Dred Pirate Goldrick
and His Lady Valentina

Ships to Board!
The Treasure map be takin' ye whar ye be wantin' to go!

Friends and Family of The Pirate and His Lady
Visit Alexis 
Visit Kyrie 
Visit Brianna 
Visit Treehawk 
Visit Angie 

Pass Away the Time On Shore

Keep up with what's going on!

The State Newspaper 

The Naples Daily News 

The Miami Herald 

The Duluth Tribune 

The National Hurricane Center 
Ye must look here afore ye travel!

Fun Stuff

Sixties British Pop Culture 
(This is a great site by a great guy, David "Digger" Barnes)

Monty Python Wav Files 

Movie Wav Files 

The Spyglass on the World! 
Web cams from around the world,(a few have killed my mouse, and some
you have to click on 'GO' to go back!  Italy is particularly bad as well as Japan!)

Put Yer Ear to the Wall! 
Police scanners

Planning where to go next

The Travel Channel

Hyatt Hotels 

Other ships are still in the boatyard
Under Construction

Found Treasure Sites
Fine for building yer boats!

Free Web Pages
tripod (50 MB free space!)

Cool Graphics

Coolest Wallpaper Ever!

Cast off for Home

Last Updated June 2, 2001

This page is property of Ed & Anita Pierce