The Fine Ship
Cosmic Mariner
Destination:  Unknown

                        The Pirates' Wedding
                      June 11, 1994
                         Lowdermilk Park
                     At Sunset
                      Naples, Fl.

The Wedding Party


The Parents


                         Ed's dad, Denny, sister Kari, mom,
                          Sandy. Anita's mom, Ethel, Anita, Ed,
                      Ed's brother Marty


                      Sandy, Ethel
                           Anita, Ed



        Our wedding was a little unique, as we
                               demanded that it be casual. Who wants to be on the
                        beach in a tux?  Guests were instructed to wear
          tropical clothing, and no one objected!
tony Sassaman, Anita's son-in-law,
                             gave her away, Mikey demoure was best man.  He and
                     three others drove down from Hawthorne, Wi.
                    in a small car, to come to the wedding!  Alexis,
                         Anita's daughter, was matron of honor.  Brittney,
                     Ed's sister's daughter was both flower girl and
                                 ring bearer.  No boy children in the family at this time!
                         We were honored to have four month old kyrie,
        anita's granddaughter, at the wedding.
                Anita's mother, and niece, pamela, flew down
              from South Carolina.  pamela was the host
at the guest table.



The Deed being done


                          l. to R.
                         Tony, Mikey,
                            the Administrator,
                           Ed & Anita,
                             Alexis and Brittney



Reception at
Courtyard inn

chocolate bottom with cherry filling
white top with mandarin orange filling
2 parrots in a chickee hut topper

Did not get to eat much of this, but
we heard it was good!

notice the little parrots on top of the cake!



!Not many people signed the guest book
as it was in the gazebo in the park
please sign our guestbook here!

Sign My GuestbookView My Guestbook

we will be adding more to this page soon!
if something looks a little strange, I am experimenting
with positioning text, yes, I am getting brave!

Flowers Courtesy of


maui sunset background courtesy of

Updated Mar. 8, 2000
This page is propery of Ed & Anita Pierce