Jean Lacouture

Il faudrait etre bien indifferent a la ruisselante beaute de la "Vie Anterieure" egyptienne pour ne pas se laisser envouter par le reflet qu'en propose Pierre-Jean Couarraze. Envoute, je le suis, par son travail comme par son sujet. Tres peu avant lui avaient su capter ainsi l'exacte beaute de ces figures, le poli lumineux de ces pierres, et le ciel qui se mire dans le regard de ces dieux.

When was this painted ?

 The Egyptian period takes place in 1991-1992 after PJ Couarraze went 
 two times to Egypt.
 He was fascinated by this spriritual country where Stones reveal the Ancient Life.
 Moreover, the light playing on the Hieroglyphs gave him inspiration.
 Time is destroying the "Stone Story" little by little.

Where are you ?

COUARRAZE PRESENTATION: Go back to the first page (index)...
Couarraze CV: Who is he ? What is his experience ?
Next exhibitions: What's happening now ?
His work: Still Alives
Italy Period: 1993... After egypt
New Paintings: Books, Files,...