
Components:V, S, M
Duration:1 hour/level
Casting Time:6
Area Of Effect:Special
This spell causes one of the caster's fingers to appear to flicker 
with a blue-white flame.  At will, the caster can cause patterns 
traced in the air or on a surface by the finger to glow, remaining in
place for the spell duration either moving with breezes or the 
movement of an object it's traced upon, or remaining stationary 
despite changing conditions around it.
These patterns can't be active magical runes, sigils, symbols, or 
glyphs, but they can have the appearance of genuine magic, either as 
instructions ro another spellcaster, or as a ruse to fool intruders.
This spell is often used to draw directing arrows or spell out clear
inscriptions.  Its magic enables the caster to cause the lines made by
certain finger movements to glow and other traceries not to, so clear
and concise symbols can be created, not an endless squiggly line that
builds up into one symbol after another.

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