This page has been visited times too many!!

You know the routine... Change the yext.. blah.... blahhhhh BLAHHHHH!!!!!!!!.

Let's get one thing straight RIGHT NOW!!!! I am not trying to act big and bad, tough, cool, or anything else. If you don't know me personally, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! You don't know me, you sure as hell don't understand me. Don't even think for a second that you can analyze me, because you can't; I won't let you, so keep your stupid ass coments to your ignorant, pathetic self and look in the mirror and think about what a prick you really are. I don't need this bullshit....... By the way this is only a message for the people who think they will be cute and put me down. Don't even bother to sign my guestbook if you are planning to tell me to chill out or calm down, It's my damn guestbook and I'll just delete the shit you write. ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you and enjoy my page.

Warning!!!This page contains more info than anyone would care to know.

Well, If you came here it means you actually want to know about me....... or it was an accident. My name is Shane if you didn't know. I am a 17 year old male. My birthday is May, 12. I weigh around 165 lbs. Im not fat though. Im all muscle. Im around 5ft 11". I have blonde hair and hazel eyes. Hold on I gotta go close the door. It's cold out. I was born in Elseworth, Maine in 1981. I lived in East Machias and Liberty 2 yrs. I then moved to South Carolina for 5 yrs. Then Savannah, Georgia for 6 yrs. Now I live in Ocean Springs, Mississippi. This is my 5th year here. Im a senior this year, it's about damn time too. I have one brother who is in the airforce. I have my....(Just letting you know I write the first things that pop into my head so this section of my page may be nothing but babbling)...anyway I have a...what the hell was I talking about??? nevermind. What do I like to do for fun you ask? I hangout with my friends. I like to draw, and sing (when I'm alone) I love to play sports. I drive a 1985 Pontiac Bonneville. I love music; I love it all.. and movies... I really get into movies. I like to go camping, anywhere away from people will do. Me and my friends have camped out at a cool pond in St. Andrews Trails and we want to get a boat and go to one of the offshore islands. I have a dog.. some fish and some chickens.. and I hate taking care of them. Hold on I have to turn on the heat...Its cold out. I have no girlfriend at the time but I wouldn't date anyone out of town. Sorry ladies. I don't have that much luck with girls because I'm always depressed or feeling bad, and I can never find a girl with great looks and a good personality. Blah blah blah, I'm bored... well not really I don't get bored... I am occupied way too easily. Well I don't know what else to say, I'm gonna go. If you have any questions you can email me or contact me through ICQ. My UIN is 5687080.

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I loathe thee, vile spawn of Satan!!!!
I swing my sword a thousand times but you dodge my angry dagger. 
I cannot defeat you and you to me, but I shall never give up. 
I will prevail! I WILL get my damn Snickers bar back!!! 

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