
Off in the world of cyberspace and wearing polyester, she is Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan). She is very shy and way too quiet. And she is sort of afraid of guys. Buffy’s advice to her was, "Seize the moment because tomorrow you might be dead." But... when Willow followed that advice, she ended up in a graveyard with a vampire. She’s usually very quiet. Probably in fear of sounding/looking stupid. (Which I can TOTALLY relate to.) Willow is computer goddess at Sunydale High. Trained hacker, who can get into anything. She usually hacks into Town Hall records, or something like that, for Giles and Buffy.
Willow’s best friend is Xander Harris. She’s known him since they were really little. Been through thick and thin. Xander invites her over alot. Even for his mom’s famous call to the Chinese place. Xander and Buffy are her best friends. Willow has developed a crush on Xander over the years and really does care about him alot. But, she knows he has a HUGE crush on Buffy and doesn’t say a word about her feelings.
Willow doesn’t usually help fight with Buffy. Her thing is research. But, sometimes, she has to fight. Willow met Oz in Season two and moved on from Xander. And what a way to move on, eh? Oz is so perfect for her. (See Oz page) Willow is a Slayerette.
OZ: "I spoke to Giles. He said I'll be okay, I just have to lock myself up around the full moon. Only he used more words than that...and a globe..." WILLOW: "I'm sorry about how this ended up, with me shooting you and all..." OZ: "It's okay. I'm-I'm sorry I almost ate you." WILLOW: "It's okay." OZ: "I mean, it's not everyday you find out you're...a werewolf. That's fairly freaksome." OZ: "So, maybe it'd be best if I just sorta..." WILLOW: "What?" OZ: "Well, you know, like, stayed out of your way for a while." WILLOW: "I don't know, I'm kinda okay with you being in my way." WILLOW: "Well, I like you. You're nice and you're funny and you don't smoke. Yeah, okay, werewolf...but that's not all the time. I mean, three days out of the month, I'm not much fun to be around either." OZ: "You are quite the human being." ::Willow kissage (woohoo!):: OZ: "A werewolf in love..."
Now it's 2000.... Willow and the gang are in college. Not only did Oz and Willow break up, but Oz left. Now Willow is with this other wiccan named Tara and Willow's discovering a bisexual within her. What will happen?

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