Welcome to Crickett's Ark

Welcome aboard Crickett's Ark. Pull up Your favorite stuffed animal and give it a squeeze and listen to Captain Crickett tell you stories about adventures on land and sea. The Ark was built to carry you through your storms, so when life seems to be raining on your parade, and the flood waters come, run to the Ark for comfort. For those who need special time with the captain, You can find him in his cabin, or at the chapel. So welcome aboard, have a look around, and enjoy the peaceful cruise. The Ark departs right on your schedule.

About the Captain...Crickett is a non denominational minister devoted to doing the Lord's work world wide. Cricketts Ark was built to fulfill the needs of children of all ages as a place of refuge in a storm. We are building a permanent location where abused children, and hurting adults can come and get away from the world for a while and heal. Crickett directly oversees the construction of the facilities which will include meeting rooms, housing, and the entire meeting hall is full of stuffed animals large and small. The staff at the ark consists of counselors, and volunteers to help you with your needs. Jesus held a special place in his heart for the children, and Crickett does too. We were admonished to be careful what we do to children for their angels have direct access to the Father in heaven, and in a world which has forgotten that warning, Crickett has stepped out to make a place of refuge for children of all ages. Adults feel free to contact us about how you can help to build the new Ark, and how you can have one in your town...you will be blessed.

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