We Are Asking for Your Assistance...

    First let me start out by saying I am NOT turning this website into
a promotion board for community causes. But yet at the same time there 
are certain groups, organizations or individuals that come to my attention
that need to be recognized and need our help as responsible "Netizins / 
Citizens". And as the editor and owner of these websites (CulinaryClassics
and ShopTillYouDrop) I will be promoting and/or mentioning these causes
and asking for your help, if you can so help. 

     Until this writing on July 12th 1999, I had two causes I have advocated 
for within my websites, the first being Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
since my fiancee, Jennifer Blayzak was killed by a drunk driver on June 27th
1992. (For more information see: CulinaryClassics Dedication Page

     Then, I have also advocated the efforts of The National Center for 
Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) with a banner on my website which
rotates with images of currently missing children as reported by NCMEC.
For more information see: Banner For Missing & Exploited Children

    Well, now I have added a third cause to my list. Similar to the above
two my heart goes out to those involved in the efforts to make improvements
in our society. This third promotion is the Lion's House located in Starr,
South Carolina. The Lion's House has a couple of promotions going on right 
now to raise desperately needed funds to accomplish their goals. I have 
provided here some information obtained from David And Suzanne McClendon 
who have organized Lion's House. The information below outlines their
situation, current needs and current goals. If there is anything you 
can do to assist them in their efforts, PLEASE do so. Our society needs
to return to the ideals of "neighbors helping neighbors". It is for this
reason among many others that I have selected the Lion's House as my third
cause to promote within my websites. Thank you for taking the time to read
this information provided and thank you in advance from myself as well as 
the McClendon's for any help you may provide to assist in their efforts.
Attention Webmasters: Please consider donating webspace on your site to 
help promote their efforts. For further info, please see the contact
information provided below.

----Thank you,
Roger A Young, Jr.
webmaster & owner of:
ShopTillYouDrop Online Shopping Mall & Resource Center

CulinaryClassics Online Cooking Resource Divisions of: Lajeunesse Enterprises Simpsonville, SC 29680

About The Lion's House:

What We Are:

The Lion's House

We are a private home consisting of David And Suzanne McClendon as the 
father and mother, four biological children of our own, and three girls  
who we have recently  adopted. 

The majority of the funds needed to run the household come from Social 
Security for David who is legally blind due to diabetes and money received 
for our biological children on David's account. Two of the other girls 
receive money from social security because their mother was killed by a car. 

Other sources of income have been the generosity of people at churches, 
companies and other organizations.  All of this additional income is 
reported through the South Carolina Department of Social Services office 
in Anderson, South Carolina. 

What We Want to Become:

Presently we are in the process of applying to be a licensed charity 
in the State of South Carolina. Once that is approved we will begin to 
ask for donations. 

We are located in a three bedroom (converted to four) brick home. We are 
located in Starr, South Carolina.  We have just purchased this home which 
is worth approximately $70,000.00 for only $50,000.00. We would like to 
build a larger home that would house about twenty children. We would want 
to have enough money to build the home debt free. That way the money we 
receive from Social Security could go toward utilities and up keep on the 
home and make it easier to budget. 

Where we want to be someday:

We seek to build a home which would be able to help children with 
different abilities (formerly called physical disablities) be able to 
lead a normal life with as little assitance as possible. We also would 
like to assist children of large sibling groups. 

Our doors will be open to children of all ethnic/racial backgrounds. 

What are the ages of the children ?

The children range in age from three to fourteen. We have two boys and 
five girls. From time to time we are asked for their sizes. We will make 
the size chart available upon request. 

What made you decide to become a children's home ?

Once we had the seven children here we realized we had a talent for 
dealing with children.  We are in the process of adopting the three 
girls.  Once the adoption is final we will seek to obtain citizenship 
for the oldest girl since she is not yet a United States Citizen.  The 
other two girls are U.S. Citizens since they were born in the United 
States and their father is a U.S. citizen. At this point in time the 
adoption is still up in the air. The father of the oldest girl did not 
respond to legal notices and the father of the younger two girls 
indicates his desire to terminate his parental rights so that we may 
adopt them. This adoption has cost us in the neighborhood of $5000 since 
we started. This is through legal services. The costs with a private 
attorney would have been much higher.

Will you add more children?

Yes, once we are able to get enough money accumulated we will file to 
become a non-profit organization. However, the total cost for this is 
about $1,700.00. We have been told that some of the costs may be less.  
We may be able to find volunteer accountants and attorneys. In an effort
to raise this money we compiled a cookbook. (more info follows below)

How do you transport seven children and two adults ?

Recently a 1989 Dodge Caravan was donated to the ministry by a kind couple
who had been praying that they would be able to find a ministry that could 
use a vehicle. It has been a great gift. However, this won't last forever 
and since we do intend to grow in number we will need a new vehicle soon. 
Our best real bet for getting a new vehicle is to save enough Campbell's 
Soup Brand Products labels. If we save 1,095,000 labels and have our 501-C
tax exempt status then Campbell's soup company will give us a 15 passenger 
van. It isn't just soup. We can use labels from Prego Spaghetti Sauce and 
Pace Mexican products and many more. Until such time as we are able to 
obtain a new vehicle we will have to put together a group of people who 
would drive us places as needed. We have a couple who will drive us but 
if our needs are excessive we would like to be able to share the burden. 

Will the children placed with you ever be adoptable by others ?

No, the children we presently house are not adoptable. Once we complete 
the remodeling and expansion of the home  we will take children in who 
can be adopted and may also adopt them as each case presents itself. 
However, if you are seeking to adopt a child in the mean time, you may
wish to contact Adoptive and Birth Parent Services. Their toll free 
number is 1-800-868-6595. You may also wish to contact the Greenville 
offices of placement at (864) 241-1070.

What recreational activities do you have ?

Since abduction by the paternal grandmother is a very real threat, (this 
almost happened at a local Bible School last year) we presently cannot 
allow the children to go places on their own. When they are out in the 
yard they have to stay close to the house. Once we are able to get the 
van we wish to have several field trips including one to the Charleston 
Tea Plantation and other fascinating places in the state, if finances 
permit. Other than that we have reading, we play games together. The 
children would like to get some sing along tapes and start to sing songs
at local churches. The children attend Awanas and the family attends 
Sunday School and Church. 

I hear you home school is that right ?

Yes, we home school the children. We found that the younger girls were 
not learning to read they were learning to memorize. The oldest boy was 
getting beat up at school. The bus picked the children up on a very busy 
road along a blind curve. There are many other reasons including the rash 
of school shootings and proposed medical examinations at the schools. We 
feel that since we both have some college we are able to teach our 
children better than most school teachers could. We use the A Beka program 
along with intensive computer use and use of educational programing on 

In conclusion:

We have found that we have a talent for helping children. Our main 
mission is "To Help Children Whenever Possible". We invite you to 
watch us grow and be a part whenever possible. 

 ----David & Suzanne McClendon of The Lion's House

The Lion's House Needs List

We are asked a lot what  we need.  Well, in order to answer that question 
we have compiled the following list.  We aren't asking anyone to provide 
it but if you happen to have anything that we could use that you are no 
longer using, please pass it along. Just tell Pappa Lion.

The Following is our present needs letter: * Pray for us. * Stop by and mow the grass. * Provide minor repairs and improvements around the home. * Donate and install some door knobs and locks. (Handicapped accessible please) * Donate and install a chain link fence. * Donate and install an alarm system. * Help us repair and replace missing vinyl tile and complete tiling it. * Buy one ( or more) of the cookbooks (referred to below) * Purchase books from the Web site. Suggest books for the Web Site * Pick up a few groceries. With nine people in the family we go through a ton of groceries. It takes approximately 2 1/4 times as much as with a standard family. * Offer rides. * Fix the wall oven. * Donate a Television * Donate a Can Opener (Industrial and/or Electric) * Donate some cook ware * Have a yard sale bake sale or other fund raiser. * Save your Campbell's Soup Brand Products labels. * Donate Ink Jet paper and Hewlett-Packard Ink cartridges. * Donate Computer Equipment * Stop by and fix the bicycles and other riding toys. * Donate a Christmas Tree and Ornaments

The Lion's House Cookbook:

The Lion's House Cookbook

    The Lion's House Children's Home is pleased to announce the printing 
of our first cookbook. This cookbook contains approximately 300 recipes 
including some from Governor David Beasley of South Carolina, Senator 
Strom Thurmond, The Charleston Tea Plantation, Dave Thomas of Wendy's,  
Mark Lowery and Congressman Lindsey Graham.

    The Cookbook is now at the publisher, Fundcraft. We expect them to 
completed by late August 1999. If you would like to order a copy of the 
cookbook please send a check or money order made payable to The Lion's 
House Children's Home. The cost is $10 per copy. If you wish to have it 
mailed to you the cost for postage and mailing materials is $4 per copy.  
The Cookbook is available in a spiral bound printed version as well as a 
computer diskette. The diskette version contains 10 additional cookbooks
as well.  Please specify which version you would like when ordering. If 
you would like both versions we can ship them together so that you need 
only pay the $4 postage once. 
    Please mail your order to:  

    The Lion's House Children's Home  
    P.O. Box 14831  
    Anderson, S.C. 29624  
    Proceeds from the sale of this cookbook will go towards the cost of 
incorporating and filing as a 501-C tax exempt organization. 

    At this time we are beginning to prepare our second cookbook.. We are
presently seeking recipes from celebrities and others. If you would like 
to contribute a recipe or several please send them to the address above. 

The Campbell's Soup Label Program

    The Lion's House needs your help. We need a new van. Campbell's 
Soup Company will give us a new 15 passenger van if we collect enough 
qualifying Campbell's Soup Brand products like: Franco-American Products, 
Pace Mexican Products, Pepperidge Farms, Prego Spaghetti Sauces, Swanson 
Foods, and V-8 vegetable juices.

Total Labels/Proofs Needed for For Van: 1,095,000
Labels/Proofs Collected to date       :     3,219
Labels still needed                   : 1,091,781
You can help us by gathering together all the labels and proofs of 
purchases you can for us. You can also help by spreading the word to 
all your friends, neighbors, churches and civic groups. This promotion 
ends On May 1st 2000 so we don't have very long. We will need all the 
help we can get. 

     Please send your labels and proofs to:

              The Lion's House
              P.O. Box 14831
              Anderson, S.C. 29624

   For more information: Click Here !!

Navigating the Websites:

Click HERE to GoTo The Lion's House Site !
Click HERE for Info on Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
Click HERE for The Missing Children's Page !
Click HERE for Shopping at ShopTillYouDrop !
Click HERE for Recipes & More at CulinaryClassics

** NOTE: Information & Graphics for The Lion's House used by permission 
         from David & Suzanne McClendon of The Lion's House.
Remaining information & referencing pages ©1998-99 by: 
       Roger A Young, Jr.
       webmaster & owner of:
       Divisions of: Lajeunesse Enterprises
                     Simpsonville, SC 29680