Cullen's Guardian Angels
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This page is dedicated to the Guardian Angels who watched over me before, during, and since I had a Heart Transplant, and especially to the Donor to whom I owe my heartfelt thanks!

The purpose of this site is to offer support and possibly some help to anyone who is waiting for or has just had a heart transplant, their loved ones & caregivers, and the Donor families.

This can be a time filled with questions, and fear of the unknown. But it should be looked at as the most wonderful experience this side of birth. You are getting a second chance at life, and not everyone can say that. If you need to talk to someone who has experienced this, or want to ask questions, please feel free to send me an e-mail.

"I will answer you."

We all have Guardian Angels watching over us. We aren't always aware or ready to believe, but the next time you hear that inner voice urging you to take a certain action, or feel the need to hesitate when stepping off the curb, or some similar feeling..., believe! There could be a car careening out of control coming around the corner right where you would have been. Or when you are at your lowest and a stranger appears and asks you for directions, take a moment. It just might be the answer to your silent prayer.

I believe that we each have a primary Guardian Angel, and he or she delegates to others in order to assure that we are always protected. If you will think back I believe you will become aware of the many times they were there for you, if you aren't already aware.

In 1992 I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure after having experienced a massive heart attack 10 years earlier, followed by two different bypass surgeries. The first was a quadruple bypass, and the second was an emergency surgery when two of the original bypasses failed. In June of that year I was told I would need a heart transplant or I wouldn't see Christmas.

My first guardian angel was Mary, my wife, and still my primary one. She was with me the night of my heart attack and watched over me (along with her guardian angel) making all of the right decisions, starting with calling 911. I don't remember a lot from that night, I kept passing out, but I do remember the look on her face. I saw that same look again when they gave us the news about my transplant. Each time this was followed by a soft glow surrounding her beautiful face, and each time I knew I was going to be safe. I also remember waking up one time and seeing the smiling, reassuring face of our family doctor, Dr. Sam Stephens, looking down at me telling me everything was going to be all right.

< align left> Many of my guardian angels took on the form of nurses and, in some cases, doctors. I remember a couple of special ones while I was in ICU following my heart attack. One was the head nurse there, she had a special aura that surrounded me when she was near. The psych nurse had a similar aura too. They both showed up again when I had the two different bypass surgeries even though several years had passed. Early in 1992 I began to experience the signs of congestive heart failure. My cardiologist sent me for evaluation for a heart transplant and fortunately I was accepted and put on the waiting list. I was admitted to ICU at a local hospital as my condition was getting worse daily. After 2 months in intensive care I was flown by helicopter to Shands' ICU for more intensive care.

I can strongly recommend a teaching hospital, especially Shands Hospital in Gainesville, Florida, for heart care. I have never experienced such dedicated and caring people anywhere else. It's a place that seems to attract special guardian angels. When you go through this experience you become sensitive to those special people who are surrounded by that warming aura. My first contact at Shands turned out to be one of my special Angels. Her aura overwhelmed me immediately & still sweeps over me whenever Susan appears.

Angels aren't all female.
There are other male angels besides the four Archangels.

The morning they came into my room in MICU to tell me they had found THE heart for me, my two male Angels, Dr Roger Mills and Chuck (one of the coordinators) delivered the news (grinning from ear to ear like a couple of Cheshire cats) each bathed in that special glow. The feeling of relief was like suddenly realizing I had been holding my breath for the last 3 months. Since I had already experienced open heart surgery twice before, the transplant surgery was not a big mystery for me. I knew what to expect. However, my body was in such a weakened condition that my recovery was a little difficult. I literally had to learn to walk all over again. My muscles had deteriorated and I had to go through intensive physical therapy. But my wonderful new heart was working like a champ and helped me to a speedy recovery. Mary and I go for a long walk every morning right around sunrise, it's our special time together to refresh our spirits with a healthy dose of nature.

"In their last hour...
they gave a lifetime."

University of Miami Organ Procurement Organization Aftercare Program.

With every breath I say a silent prayer for my Donor and his wonderful family who agreed to allow his organs to be shared. The emotional rollercoaster one experiences with a transplant can only be shared by the recipient and the Donor family. I want my Donor's family to know that their son is my "special" Guardian Angel. It's very difficult to put into words the "Thank You" due every Donor family. But I certainly hope every recipient tries, even though it may take several months to recover enough physically and emotionally to find the right words without them sounding shallow. It's very difficult to express the gratitude through the fog of emotions that surrounds you during this time. Each person is different so the recovery and emotional reaction varies.

The next time my two special Angels appeared to me together was to deliver the news that my second battle with rejection was over just as I had told them it would be. I had learned how to focus my mind and to visualize my body even to a cellular level so that I could help the healing process using my body's own abilities and to utilize the medications as they were intended.

As of this writing it's been almost 8 years since my transplant and I feel wonderful! The mind is a wonderful and powerful thing when you get in touch with it deeply and in turn get it in complete touch with your body, coupled with absolute positive thinking. A positive attitude can work miracles.

Don't allow any negative thoughts! It's a waste of valuable time and your life is worth more than that.

The next 2 pages deal with near death experiences and their positive influence on your life,... and the power of the mind and how it affects your well-being.
Then there is a page with my awards and some special links to sites to make your spirits soar. Followed by a special page
"To Love"
dedicated to my wife.

For those of you who have received a new heart or are waiting for one, I would like for you to visit
"A Second Chance"

for some things to consider. It's a very positive piece that I believe will help you and definitely give you something to think about.

"God, speak to me."

The man whispered: "God, speak to me." And a meadowlark sang. But the man did not hear. So the man yelled: "God speak to me!" And the thunder rolled across the sky. But the man did not listen. The man looked around and said: "God let me see you" And a star shone brightly. But the man did not notice. And the man shouted: "God show me a miracle." And a life was born. But the man did not know it. So, the man cried out in despair: "Touch me God and let me know that you are here!" Whereupon God reached down and touched the man.

But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.

Blessings aren't always packaged the way we expect.

Author unknown


Here's a joke that will mean more to someone who has had a heart transplant:

A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a Harley, when he spotted a world-famous heart surgeon in his shop. The heart surgeon was waiting for the service manager to come take a look at his bike. The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey Doc, can I ask you a question?" The famous surgeon, a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up, wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this engine. I also can open hearts, take valves out, fix'em, put in new parts and when I finish this will work just like a new one. So how come I get a pittance and you get the really big money, when you and I are doing basically the same work?" The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered to the mechanic..... "Try doing it with the engine running!


Please take the time to view, and sign my Guestbook after you visit my other pages, just click on "Home" to return. I really value your comments.

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Take a moment...,
take a deep breath..., relax...,
close your eyes...,
and let yourself find a calm place full of peace and quiet.

May I recommend the movie "Somewhere in Time", the most beautiful love story ever filmed. If you haven't seen it, please treat yourself and your loved one to a moment in time to be shared, and view it together. Or, visit my tribute to it by clicking on the banner below:

"Come back to me."

You can click on one of these below and go directly to the page:

Near Death ExperiencesMind & Body Thoughts
Awards & LinksTo Love

Do not search for us,
we will find you...
Do not wait for us,
we are already here...
Do not whisper your name,
we know it well...
We have loved you forever,
Time will tell...
We are your Guardian Angels.

Author Unknown

Please take a look at my primary "Photo Gallery." A few samples of my studio photography.

I'd like to invite you to share some of my favorite sites. There are a wide variety of subjects.

If you feel a need for more about Guardian Angels please accept my invitation to visit a special site:
"Touched by Angels"

I'd like to recommend a book to you:
"An Inquiry into the Existence of Guardian Angels"
by Pierre Jovonavic

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