Concluding Statements


Art appears in many forms, whether it be music, paintings, or literature. But every form of art has been expressed in the Christian religion. The main purpose of this site is a series of Christian paintings, done by a variety of painters, unfortunately all male. The date of these paintings range from the late 1200s to the late 1500s. The three main focuses are the scenes depicting Madonna and Child, the Crucifixion of Jesus, and then the "Pietà," which is a series of paintings portraying the mother's loss of a son. These scenes we felt were important time periods in the history of Christianity, and add to the overall religion.

Art enhances anything and everything, and this is no different. These paintings were meant as a form of worship, to the dominant religion in those time periods. Most people pray or go to church. For those fortunate enough to be blessed with the ability to paint, they showed their love and appreciation through their beautiful artworks.

Each artist adds their own unique style and flare to their paintings. Not a single painting has Jesus or Mary portrayed in the exact same way, but each painting is trying to get across the same message.

For a more in depth analysis of all these paintings, go to or click here.

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