Lamb of God

My first impression

As a Christian I try my best to be like Jesus who God gave us as an example. Jesus would talk to crowds of people and tell them that they needed to have a daily relationship with God. To accomplish this I read the bible every morning for half an hour and I pray to God for at least another half hour. Every day I tell someone about Jesus (usually a stranger). If they don't want to hear it I move on. I'm happy for cold contact evangelism because if it didn't exist a loner like me would never have found Jesus.

About Jesus Christ

The best way to learn about Jesus is to read the first four books in the "New Testament" in the Bible. These books talk about what Jesus did and were written by eye witnesses and close friends of jesus.

Jesus existed since the beginning of time.(Thats one way he is different from us.)(John 8:58,John1:1-9,2Timothy 1:9) After God made us and saw that we needed to be saved (Isaiah 59:2) there was only one sacrifice precious enough to be of any help.(Revelation 5:2-9, Romans 3:25, Hebrews 9:26) Jesus volunteered to die in exchange for us being with God (not seperated, which is one tormenting feature of Hell).(1John2:2) God could not let all our sins go unpunished (God is just). So Jesus took our place in the punishment. Don't worry in three days he was back with God.

Here is a link to the Bible if you want to look up these scriptures. Press Here

The Great Commision

We, as disciples, were commanded by the lord to go make (more) disciples. The very nature of a disciple is to go make more disciple for Jesus. How do you know you are carrying out the command? Easy check: are the disciples you made making more disciples? If you are doing it all but not enabling others to do it maybe you need more help!

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"For love some will die, for justice who? Jesus Christ died for both."