OutLawz Klique............. Makaveli- a.k.a 2-Pac (Niccolo Machiavelli) Hussein Fatal- a.k.a Fatal (Saddam Hussein Kastro- a.k.a K-Dogg (Fidel Castro) Khadafi- a.k.a Yak (Muammar Qaddafi) Edi Ameng- a.k.a Big Mal (Idi Amin) Mussolini- a.k.a Syke (Benito Mussolini) Napoleon- a.k.a Mutah (Napoleon Bonaparte) Komani- a.k.a Mopreme (Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini) Young Noble- a.k.a Felony Storm Fatal O-perating U-nder T-hug L-aws A-s W-arriors Z The Outlawz were formed by Tupac. At first it was a group called the Plague. They consisted of about 30 members. Tupac then took some of the guys from that group to make the Oulawz. Hussein Fatal and Khadafi were the first original members. They were both from The Plague. And it so happens that some of the members who were in The Plague, were in a group called Dramacydal. He also took some guys from Thug Life. DRAMACYDAL K-Dogg (Kastro Yak (Khadafi Big Mal (Edi) Mutah (Napoleon) THUG LIFE 2-Pac (Makaveli) Syke (Musillini) Mophreme (Konami) Rated R Machadoshis Storm and Young Noble were the last two members to join the Outlawz. (UPDATE) The Offical Last Outlaw Member: FATAL OUTLAWZ/MAKAVELI/DEATH ROW RECORDS |