CHOOSE WHAT SONG U WANT TO HEAR!-below are links to sites with songs, samples, etc.

~Mystiqal's~ Midi Music-Rock, Alternative, Pop from the 60's,70's,80's,90's
TUNES.COM-hear samples of actual songs
NET RADIO-listen to whatever music u want while u surf
AUDIO DATA BASE 2000-tons of music midi's-click here
SOUND CENTRAL-Free wav, midi, keyboard samples, audio programs-click here
WAV CENTRAL-Mega source for all the best sounds on the net-click here
MIDI MUSIC OF THE 80's-click here
MIDI FLOOR-midi's classical,pop,rock & roll,& tv themesMIDI FLOOR-midi's classical,pop,rock & roll,& tv themes-click keyboard
MIDI ZONE-tons of music, free midi software, great artist
COMPLETE MIDI FILE DIRECTORY-all varieties of music including karoake
ALSO VISIT MY MUSIC LINKS PAGE-with tons more links to songs