One of the original founding members of the Coda, Zealot left the sisterhood to devote her, life to battling the evil demons she once worked for, the Cabal. Zealot joined forces with the WildC.A.T.S to continue this vengeance against the Daemonites.
Check this out!
Voodoo/Zealot SkinTrade Poster
Description: Voodoo/Zealot "Skin Trade" Poster You'd have to fly into the sun to find anything hotter than this VOODOO/ZEALOT "Skin Trade" Poster. With art by star penciler Michael Lopez, and the beautiful subject matter, this poster is just about guaranteed to melt the walls down. 24" x 36". Art By: Micheal Lopez Price: $8.95 Click on artwork for ordering information direct from the Wildstorm Home Page!
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