From: frank brueske 
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 12:17 PM
To: Dean R. Yarolimek
Subject: Good afternoon...

Hi Dean and Marriane...we have just returned from a "spring break" in  
Prague  & Jablonna...have some great pictures I will share with you  
later...but have a question....going through the family history, i am  
trying to find the brothers of sisters of our Grandmother "Y"  and the  
question I have is...there was a Frank Steker  or something like that  
who was a distant relative..was his mother a sister to Grandmother  
"Y"  we have visited with his daughter  Marcella, several times..and  
this time as well.. but I did not know if it was steker's parents who  
are related to us...or his wife's parents...whose name I do not  
know... He was a dentist in prague for many years and he and his  
brother owned a tavern with two apartments above it. When the  
communists took over..they wanted him to run the tavern..but did  
not...but they were still able to live in the apartments.  Frank  
Steker also had a place in the country which the Communists let him  
keep...I suspect because he was a dentist and they needed his  
services.  The first time we were there in 76 he took us around and  
introduced us to a lot of his friends...many who had gold filings.
Ok..help me out on this one...I plan to post the pictures on my web  
site when I go through them and do some editing.  Talk to you later  
and hope to see you in St. Louis  in June.


From: Irene [mailto:donirene@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 6:41 AM
To: Dean R. Yarolimek
Subject: Re: Irene Nunneley's condition and a family members needs help


From: Oz [mailto:xwizardofozx@cyberpass.net] 
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2008 9:48 AM
To: d.yarolimek@sbcglobal.net
Subject: This Should Have Gone Along With My Changes


After taking much time comparing the Yarolimek website and the more 
recent version you returned to me, I've concluded the following 
corrections.  I was stunned to discover that some info was incorrect and 
wondrous of where it originated.  I understand how very important it is to 
keep stringent records for the benefit of future generations.

NOTE: 1:  Explanation why I would like the name ROGER included, 
maybe as a nickname.  The name, 'ROGER', I want to say, was given to 
me when I was an infant.  I believed it to be my 'true' name until I was 
finally told the truth by my mother, Darlene around my middle teens.  I was 
led to believe that it may have been changed from DON to ROGER, as a 
loving gesture of the son Grandpa George and Grandma Johanna so 
terribly lost in 1944.  I don't really know and I've heard several different 
stories.  If someone knows the 'real' reason, I'd very much appreciate the 
knowledge.  The funny thing is, it was never changed legally as was the 
last name KOBLITZ that I used along with ROGER.  To this day, all 
childhood, teen and some young adult records currently list me as Roger 
Koblitz.  When I turned 18, I then had to use Donald E. Smith, Jr. for all 
legalities.  Still, no one knows me by 'Don'.

NOTE 2:  The name 'KUNDE', annotated in the second 'white' area should 
be completely stricken from record.  God only knows where that came 
I believe I'm finished except if someone is knowledgeable about why my 
name was changed years ago.

Thanks in advance.


From: Frank BrueskeSent: Friday, May 18, 2007 4:21 PM
To: Dean R. Yarolimek
Subject: Re: Yarolimek Family Reunion/June 24th

Hi Dean..

sooo sorry that we cannot make it...will be in Minnesota earlier and wil be
back home by the 18th...am setting up anew photo exhibit in Plainview on
Barnscapes and Country Places...

Rose says HI....   hope to see you all later...

Frank B. 

********************************************************** 18 April 2006; Lauren Elizabeth Yarolimek arrived (8 lbs, 14 oz, 20") on the scene. A beautiful baby girl born to proud parents, Eric and Carey (Quinn) Yarolimek (4 Hayward Court, Lake in the Hills, IL 60156-6327). Lauren is Eric and Carey's first child and she is also grandma Sandy's first grandchild. Congratulations to the parents and to all the grandparents! ********************************************************** 2006 FAMILY REUNION
********************************************************** "Stastny Novy Rok" A New Year with Heart Czech New Year’s greeting cards tend to be Straightforward. Most of them bear the classic message “Radostne vanoce a stastny novy rok” (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year). While English-speaking well-wishers are flexible in offering a variety of greetings from “Best wishes for a year of peace and love” to ones with a religious message. Czechs limit their greetings to a few traditional favorites. Happiness usually comes through New Year’s Greetings, so let us wish you “mnoho stesti v roce 2006” (much happiness in 2006). Dean & Marianne ********************************************************** Subject: Amy's illness From: "Roxy Anderson" Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2005 05:40:28 -0600 To: "Steve @ Sherry" , "Kent Johnson" , "keith schultz" , "Cindy & Nolen" , "Sandy Anderson" , "Ann and Brian Anderson" CC: "Jan Wall" , "Ron & Jackie" , "Dean & Marianne" , "Larry & Bev" , "Adam Anderson" , "Kyle Anderson" , "Leah R Anderson" , "Tara Anderson" Hi to All: Just a note to you all to let you know exactly what's been going on with Amy, our daughter in law. Some of you have heard bits and pieces and this might answer some questions for you and inform those of you that haven't heard and update the rest of you. Amy and Brent miscarried last month. She was about a month pregnant when it occurred and had to have a D&C about two weeks later. The results of the D&C were that it had been a molar pregnancy. A molar pregnancy is a mass of abnormal tissue that comes from the placenta and forms inside the uterus which gives symptoms of pregnancy. If anyone wishes more information about this condition you can go to www.WebMD.com and type it in the SEARCH box and read about it. One in 2000 white women have this condition, while it's a higher percentage in Black and Asian women. A D&C is done to remove any tumor tissue. Hormone levels are then monitored to make usre the tumor is gone and benign. 90% of the time the tumors are benign and that's the end of it, but Amy, unfortunately is in the 10% whose hormone levels started to go down and then started going back up showing that the tumor was not gone and would continue to grow again. This also changes the diagnosis to a alignant tumor, so she had to go back in for a chest x-ray to make sure it hasn't spread (which it hasn't), and an ultrasound so they could have a baseline of it's size, and now she'll begin her chemotherapy treatments tomorrow. She'll have one shot daily for 5 days, then two weeks off, then another regime of chemo, then two weeks off. They're planning on three regiments of chemo and then will recheck the x-ray, ultrasound and hormone levels to see if it is gone. The good news is that this type of cancer is very suceptible to chemotherapy and this treatment has been very successful. So we're praying it goes well for her. They have been told that fatigue, hair thinning/loss,canker sores and nausea are all part of the side effects. I'm going to Chicago tomorrow to stay with the grandkids for her first 2 treatments, her Mom will be there for the second two and Brent on Friday. We'll see how it goes from there. Some of you have been through this yourself in one form or another so you know best what they are going through. Amy has a great attitude about beating this, it's just the discomfort she has to go through getting through it, and at this time of year besides. Just wanted you all to know so you can keep them in your prayers and good thoughts. Will keep you informed when I hear more. Hugs to all, Roxy ********************************************************** 20 Oct 2005; Jake Wall arrived (7 lbs+, 19.5") on the scene. A beautiful baby boy born to proud parents, Scot and Amanda (Schmitz) Wall (523 South Street, Cashton, WI 54619). Jake is Scot and Amanda's third child and he is grandma Wall's eleventh grandchild. Congratulations to the parents and to all the grandparents! ********************************************************** Subject: European Trip From: "Dean R. Yarolimek" Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2005 17:10:07 -0500 To: Darwin & Roxy Anderson , Ron & Jackie , Amanda & Scot Wall , Scot Wall , Barb Peck , Jennifer Millsap NAZDAR! This is very likely the place we will be staying while in Bavaria http://www.edelweisslodgeandresort.com/. It is a U.S. military resort situated in the Alps, only a few miles from many Germany/Italian/Austrian tourist attractions. Check it out. It is really a good location and fine hotel with loads of things to do in and around the area (see http://www.edelweisslodgeandresort.com/tours.html). The only drawback is we would not be staying in a traditional German Alpine Bed and Breakfast Inn. (English would be spoken in the hotel and on the tours booked from the hotel.) I know everyone wants to see/visit Prague. That's a given. We will talk about other Czech tours as time goes on. Look at this web site to see some of the tours available in and around Prague http://www.travel.cz/search/tours_en.html. My thoughts at this time for the Republic of Czech are as follows: 1 day of shopping/touring in the city; 1 day of touring the surrounding cities/area; 1 day visiting the Yarolimek family home villages (this day will include the visit to the Holy Mountain in Pribram). I am going to try to get in touch with the genealogist who did the research on our family, to see if he would consider being our tour guide on a visit to the Svata Hora (Holy Mountain) Basilica http://www.travel.cz/guide/109/index_en.html and to the villages where our family originally came from (Jablonna and Smolotely). Germany is looking like this: 2 days of touring the attractions in and around the Bavarian Alps. 1 day in Munich with a visit to the Octoberfest and the Hofbrauhaus. Wide open are the other three days: which country or countries we will visit and for how long. Remember, there are travel days between each 3 day destination so come prepared for a busy, active time. I am probably the slowest one on the trip so no one should really have a difficult time keeping up. Lastly, passports are necessary as soon as possible. Hotels are asking me for passport numbers now when I attempt to make the reservations. Those of you that have passports, please provide the following information as soon as possible: your name (as it appears in the passport), passport number, and the passport expiration date. Those of you that do not have passports. Get on the stick. Your confirmed reservations (for hotels and airlines) can not be made without the passport information. We now have eight people "on board". We're looking forward to this trip with great anticipation. Dean P.S. Marianne and I will more than likely be staying on in Germany for a week or two to visit family and friends in and around Frankfurt upon the conclusion of our Yarolimek family trip. If anyone else is interested in joining us for all or part of that extended trip, let me know. ********************************************************** 12 Jun 2004; Aase Brielle Lee arrived on the scene. A beautiful baby girl, born to proud parents, Amy Jill (Speltz) and Eric Lee. Aase is Amy and Eric's fourth child (all girls) and she is grandma & grandpa Speltz's ninth grandchild. Congratulations to the parents, Amy, Eric and to grandma and grandpa Speltz. ********************************************************** 26 May 2004; Kacie Alyese Giordano arrived on the scene. A beautiful baby girl, born to proud parents, Kelli Anne (Nunneley) and Tom Giordano of Virginia Beach, VA. Kacie is Kelli & Tom's first child and she is grandma & grandpa Nunneley's second grandchild. Congratulations to the new parents, Kelli, Tom and to grandma and grandpa Nunneley! ********************************************************** Jarolimek/Yarolimek Family Centennial Celebration June 25th, 26th & 27th; Wabasha, Minnesota Just a brief note to notify those of you on the Internet that there is a major event planned for the last weekend in June. The Yarolimek family will be congregating in Wabasha, MN to celebrate "the coming of the Jarolimeks". 100 years ago this July, grandpa Matt got on a boat headed for New York. Three months later, grandma Mary, with her seven children, her father-in-law, her sister (Bertha), and her sister's girl friend followed. JOIN BROTHERS AND SISTERS, UNCLES AND AUNTS, 1ST, 2ND AND SUBSEQUENT COUSINS, IN-LAWS AND OUT-LAWS, in Wabasha for the family reunion of a lifetime. This will NOT be a three hour picnic, it WILL be a three day celebration (25th, 26th & 27 of June 2004). Make your plans ASAP. If you miss this opportunity, you may miss seeing many of the 3rd generation family. The Sunday picnic, as usual, will start in the A.M. at Rollingstone City Park, only a couple of miles from the last "Yarolimek Farm". Food will be served starting at noon. Attendees are asked to bring their own picnic utensils, a dish to share with others and an adult attendance prize (not to exceed $10) for the door prize drawings following the meal. Reservations at the AmericInn Lodge should be made ASAP. AAA and/or AARP discounts are available if requested. When requesting reservations, specify the "Yarolimek Centennial Celebration". The only rooms still available are those booked in our name. Reservations can NOT be made after May 25th. Don't get left out by waiting to the last minute. Attendees are asked to bring along copies of family documents and pictures to share with others in attendance. I have volunteered to act as "point of contact" for the three days of activities. Please touch base and let me know how we can improve upon what we have planned. You are asked to pass this information on to all members of the YAROLIMEK clan. No one should have the excuse "they did not know of the event". Many of the address? on the family email list are no longer valid. Many of the mailings were returned "MAILER-DAEMON@westbyserver.mwt.net". DO NOT assume everyone in the family knows about this event. PASS THE WORD! Talk to your brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren, uncles, aunts and cousins about the event. Make sure no one can use the excuse "I did not know about it". The previously sent "Yarolimek Family Centennial Celebration" notice can be viewed at 2004 FAMILY REUNION
*************************************** 2003 FAMILY REUNION: 29 June 2003, place to be announced. For answers to reunion related questions, contact Bea Hayes at beahay@hotmail.com
21 November 2002; Abigali Ann Anderson arrived on the scene. A beautiful baby girl, born to proud parents, Brent & Amy (Heiser) Anderson (4348 N. Kenmore, Chicago, IL 60613). Abigail is Brent & Amy's second child and she is grandma & grandpa Anderson's second grandchild. Congratulations to the Brent, Amy, little Jack (on his new sister), and the grandparents! 01 October 2002; Anissa Ann Lee arrived on the scene. A beautiful baby girl, born to proud parents, Eric & Amy (Speltz) Lee. Anissa is Eric & Amy's third child (all daughters) and she is grandma & grandpa Speltz's eighth grandchild (seven granddaughters & one grandson. Congratulations to the Eric, Amy and the proud grandparents! 2002 FAMILY REUNION
4 Oct 2001; Bret (wonder where that name came from) Alan Wall arrived on the scene. A beautiful baby boy born to proud parents, Scot and Amanda (Schmitz) Wall (523 South Street, Cashton, WI 54619). Bret is Scot and Amanda's first child and it is grandma Wall's ninth grandchild. Congratulations to the new parents and to all the granparents! 30 Aug 2001; Samuel Andrew Freiberg arrived on the scene (Madison, WI). A beautiful baby boy born to proud parents, Bill & Mary (Wall) Freiberg (5626 Irongate Dr., Madison, WI 53716). Sam is the brother of Emma Rose. Congratulations to the Freibergs and all the grandparents! 2001 FAMILY REUNION
01 Sep 2000; Jack David Anderson arrived on the scene. A beautiful baby boy born to proud parents, Brent & Amy (Heiser) Anderson (4348 N. Kenmore, Chicago, IL 60613). Jack is Brent & Amy's first child and it is grandma & grandpa Anderson's first grandchild. Congratulations to the new parents and grandparents! 25 Jun 2000; Sharon M. Engrav and Dean R. Yarolimek won the Year 2000 Reunion Cribbage Tournament (partners). Their names have been inscribed on the traveling reunion trophy. Sharon & Dean retain possession of the trophy until the next Reunion Cribbage Tournament on 24 Jun 2001. The following four teams participated in the first annual Reunion Cribbage Tournament: Darwin Anderson & Sandra Yarolimek; Myles Vaughn & Harry Ramer; Sharon M. Engrav & Dean R. Yarolimek; Roxann Anderson & Chris Yarolimek. (The tournament is a "blind draw" tournament so no one knew who his/her partner was until shortly before play started.) 2000 FAMILY REUNION
22 Sep 1999 (05:35); Alexandra Nicole Yarolimek arrived on the scene (St. Louis, MO). A beautiful baby girl born to proud parents, Tony & Liz (Bailey) Yarolimek (608 Jackson St., St. Charles, MO 63301). Alex is Tony & Liz's only child and it is grandma & grandpa Yarolimek's first grandchild. Congratulations to the new parents and grandparents! 16 May 1999 (07:41); Emma Rose Freiberg arrived on the scene (Madison, WI). A beautiful baby girl born to proud parents, Bill & Mary (Wall) Freiberg (5626 Irongate Dr., Madison, WI 53716). Emma Rose is Bill & Mary's first child. Congratulations to the new parents! YAROLIMEK FAMILY PICNIC Lake Neshonoc Park West Salem, Wisconsin Sunday, June 27, 1999 Noon Meal . Bring a dish to share . Provide your own dishes,silverware, beverage . Coffee will be provided Directions to Lake Neshonoc Shelter House: Exit the interstate at West Salem. Go over the railroad overpass - - STOP SIGN turn left, go straight until the next STOP SIGN, then turn right. Follow LEONARD STREET to a stop sign. This is Highway 16. Turn right onto highway 16. Neshonoc Park is directly across from LAKEVIEW FOODS. Neshonoc Park is located on the right hand side of HIGHWAY 16.


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