This is where I will put your meetings with Tammy, seeing Tammy live, or just why you love and support Tammy. So If you have an experience with Tammy Sytch that you would like to share just e-mail me at "You and Tammy" in the subject of the e-mail so I know what it is.) Also I will not post anything that is disrespectful to Tammy or anyone else, so please keep them respectful. Enjoy!:)
Well, I'm female so I don't like Tammy for her looks. I like her because she has brains and personality. Tammy is a role model for me she combines brains, beauty, class, and personality. Instead of just walking down the ramp Tammy has attitude, she'll dance her way down the ramp. The first time I saw Tammy was when she and Chris were doing promo's for the BodyDonnas! I thought they were a scream:) So from then on I've been a Tammy Sytch and Chris Candido fan.
Tammy in my humble opinion can carry an interview like no other woman in pro-wrestling. She was also the first woman to be in the WWF for a while and brought a lot of class and pride to that role. She got to do more than just stand there and look pretty. She is a manger not a valet, she does more than walk her man to the ring, she gets involved when she needs to. That's something not many women(if any) in the WWF did before Tammy came to the WWF. And Tammy's interviews are classic, you might not like her but most people listen when she has the mic:)
People have said that Tammy wasn't popular after she stopped managing in the WWF. Well, I don't think that's true. I was at WM 14 and when Tammy's music played during the free 4 all I couldn't hear a word she was saying from where I was sitting. It was so loud. People of all ages, both males and females were cheering for her. And then again when she came out with LOD...she got a bunch of cheers.
And now in ECW Tammy is getting even more involved than she was in the WWF and she is popular with the ECW fans. Hopefully there will be many more great things to come from Tammy Sytch:)
Tamara, or Sunny as she was known when I first saw her in the WWF, has been a great role model for me. There is not too many women like her today. And Thank Goodness, there will never be another Sunny ... the original will always be the best!! I do have to admit, upon seeing her for the first time, at WrestleMania 12, I really didn't like her too much. I thought she was just too much. But I had a change of views about her as I continued to watch her on TV. She is just a person who is working hard to be successful. And I must say, I am proud of her for doing everything she has to do to achieve that. At such a young age, she's achieved so much. What an accomplishment!! (And to think I'm a few months older than her.) She is truly missed in the WWF but I know that she is happy now where she is. And that she is able to be close to the love of her life, Chris. I've been able to record shows that remain special to me ... two of them has Tammy in it. The episode of Raw where she was kissed by my favorite wrestler, Shawn Michaels. That RAW was priceless!! And then, later that year, as she co-hosted Live Wire with Todd Pettingil (another favorite), Shawn was a guest on the show. So both of them in one show, outside the ring .. that was great!! I'm still hoping that someday, Tammy will return to the WWF. But if not, she has definitely left her mark!! And for sure, the future for Tammy will get only BRIGHTER!!
I just want to say that I am a HUGE fan of Tammy's! I think she's the best manager ever, and she's nothing like all the other females out there like Sable. Not only is she beautiful, but she's also very smart, and I admire her for that. Tammy is my idol, and I look up to her a lot. She is one of the reason I am trying harder to finish school, so I can become a manager, just like her. I love ya Tammy!!!