Credit Where Credit is Due!!
Here are the names of a few people who, in one way or another, helped me to finally accomplish this dream! Please visit their sites, they are
These are some of the most INCREDIBLY patient people I have ever met!!
Some of the backgrounds I used were picked up while surfing so long ago that I don't even know where I got them from!
Others came from a great free site that you might want to check out! Over The Rainbow
Some of the photo backgrounds came from a wonderful "virtual gift" site called Virtual Vacation
The "cutsie" stuff and flowers came from sites that were sent to me by friends in ICQ and e-mail or as virtual gifts. (Sometimes it pays to be a cyberpackrat *grin*)
The "Myopic Utopia" title on my opening page is from a great site!! Zycom Design your own homepage graphics for free!