The Skull of Tlaloc
A Dime Heroes PBeM

(Updated 21 Jun 04)

Game Master: Jeff Meija "The Evil DM"
Players: David Little Dusty "Arizona" Miller
David McMahon "Invisible Justice"
Rob Lowry "Deadwood Dakota"
Just Joined! Hank Harwell "Brother Clary"

Go to current turn

The group is summoned via telegram to Houston Texas, specifically to the house of Carol Holly the wife of the late Judge Holly.  Mrs. Holly, a friendly looking woman in her late 60's, informs you that she and her late husband are old and trusted friends of the Sentinels. She ushers you into the study where you see a young, well-dressed, Hispanic man tending the fireplace.  Mrs. Holly introduces him as Raul Guarjado a graduate student at St. Johns College in Houston Texas and assistant to Professor William Trahern a close friend of the Holly’s, she explains that he has some information that may be of interest to you. She then excuses herself to see about dinner and sleeping arraignments. After she leaves and closes the study doors behind her Raul begins:
 “I’m sorry if I seem nervous but so much has happened and I consider myself fortunate to even be here talking to you now.  As Mrs. Holly stated, I am a graduate student at St. Johns College. My field of study is Archeology more precisely Pre-Columbian Civilizations. My mentor, Professor Trahern and I were working in Mexico on behalf of a businessman by the name of Alfredo Molina who is something of an amateur Archeologist and shared professor Trahern’s obsession with finding the legendary cup of Tlaloc.
     You see, when Cortez had begun the final conquest of the Aztec empire, the priest-king Montezuma consulted with his generals, priests and advisors to see what if anything could be done to save his nation.  The priests of Tlaloc, the Aztec god of death, told Montezuma that by using an artifact known as the cup of Tlaloc an avatar of the god would be summoned to destroy the invaders once and for all.  The priests of the other gods warned the king that if the summoning were to take place the price would be high and the Aztec people would surely be destroyed.  After much thought Montezuma decided against the summoning. 
     Later that day it was reported to Montezuma that despite his order the priests of Tlaloc were going to attempt the summoning that night. The king immediately sent a contingent of Jaguar Knights to stop them. After a bloody confrontation the High priests were dragged before Montezuma. 
     He ordered the rebellious priests and their surviving temple guards to be taken, along with the cup, to a secret burial place far in the desert mountains.  There they were to be put to death and their corpses mummified so that they would act as guardians of the Cup. He charged his most trusted general with this task instructing him to fill the crypt with traps and wards. The slave workers and guards were slain by Montezuma’s personal bodyguard upon their return, so that the location remain a secret, and the cup of Tlaloc kept from the hands of mortal man for all time, that is, at least until six weeks ago. 
      Professor Trahern and I discovered the location of the tomb where the Cup is hidden. When we returned to Molina’s hacienda, the professor told him of our discovery. Arraignments were immediately begun to outfit an expedition to the site. 
Later that week several men and a young lady arrived at the hacienda. Sr. Molina introduced the leader of the new arrivals as “Doctor” Von Grafft of Austria and his fiancé, Miss Smith.
     After dinner, Professor Trahern, Senor Molina, and Dr. Von Grafft retired to the study to discuss the expedition.  I returned to my room to work on my notes. Later that night I was awakened by Professor Trahern, he said that he had grave misgivings about Dr. Von Grafft and felt that we should make a hasty departure.  Taking a pair of horses we escaped that same night to the town of San Vicente, where we were able to board a coach to Vera Cruz. 
     Professor Trahern said that he believed Molina and Von Grafft had reasons for locating the skull that were not at all related to scientific study.  It appears that some people believe that the skull can be used as a vessel of mystical power, so he gave the map of the skulls location to me for safe keeping and instructed me that if anything was to befall him I was to take the map and news of what passed, especially of the involvement of this Von Grafft Character, to Mrs. Holly and she would know what to do.  When we arrived in Vera Cruz we checked into a hotel and I went to the port to secure passage on a train to Corpus Christi.  The professor said he was going to visit an associate, a senor Delgado, and would rendezvous with me that afternoon. When I returned to the hotel, I saw there was a great commotion going on in the street in front of our hotel.   The people standing outside the hotel said that an American had been robbed and killed in his room. I knew immediately that the professor was dead and that most likely it was Molina, Von Grafft or their agents who were responsible.  I believe they were looking for the map and when they found out that the professor didn’t have it, they killed him, and were probably looking for me right now.  I immediately left the area as discreetly as possible.  I changed my appearance by donning the clothes of a local Indian peasant and headed for Matamoras, and then into Texas. 

At this point Mrs. Holly reenters the room and announces dinner will be served momentarily. She then addresses the group directly.

“Our mutual friends in the Sentinel’s believe that Molina and Von Grafft are agents of the German Government and have been searching for this artifact quite a while.  Fortunately for us they tipped their hand too soon and roused William’s suspicions.  Tragically however William is now dead.  But thanks to the resourcefulness of young Raul here we have a chance to obtain the skull and keep it from those who would use it to promote evil. I implore you to assist Raul in recovering the skull and preventing these monsters from endangering any more innocents and, to avenge William’s death. Will you help us”?

Dusty replies, "Yes Ma'am. This is very interesting. After dinner, I would like to see the map if that is possible. Then maybe we can discuss what equipment and supplies we are likely to need.”

A delightful dinner ensues which has everyone sitting around the table and discussing the expedition.

"Perhaps you should show the gentlemen the map Raul." Mrs. Holly says. "Yes ma’am." Raul says. "Excuse me Gentlemen."

After a few moments a ruckus is head coming from upstairs. Something is being slammed up against a door or wall.

"Good heavens!" Mrs. Holly exclaims as she raises from the table.

Dusty thinks to himself, "Since no one saw them coming in the front door, they had to come in another way." Knowing that someone will head up the stairs, Dusty dashes out the front door, pulls his .45 and runs around the backside of the house where the room is.

"I'm on my way," an invisible voice calls out.  Invisible feet can be heard running from the room and heading upstairs. Reaching the top of the stairs he hears that the ruckus is coming from the third door on the right.

Seeing Dusty draw a .45 and head to cover the house from the outside, and hearing the invisible friend scamper up the stairs, Dakota takes stock of the room, the best path to watch as he moves upstairs, and draws his .44-40 as a measure of caution.  Reaching the top of the stairs, Dakota flattens up against the nearest wall that will give him a clear view of the hall. Half crouched, one knee nearly on the floor, he rests with his .44-40 braced against his leg, using it for an impromptu shooting rest. Knowing that his unseen friend is about, Dakota says, with a hoarse whisper “I'm watching for ya, but be careful buddy.. Holler when ya need the cavalry!”

"Will do, Dakota," a voice says quietly as it heads for the door.

Reaching the back of the house, Dusty sees shadows through the curtains in the room. There is some type of struggle going on. Suddenly the light in the room goes out.

Unlimbering his invisible lariat, the Invisible Justice moves quickly to the third door and swings it open.  There, he is amazed to find .....

Darkness! and from the dim light in the hallway you can see a large black shape hunched over a body. You hear crunching and slurping sounds. with the movement of the door the creature turns your way and emits an ear piercing screech.

Hearing the screech, Dusty thinks "What in the hell was that?! It didn't sound human!" Taking time to check out his surroundings, Dusty picks up a few pebbles and throws them at the window. He takes a position behind some cover and keeps the window covered with his .45. If whatever it is comes out the window, he will give it lead poisoning.

Back in the doorway, Invisible Justice acts quickly.  Not sure what the thing is that he faces, he whirls the lariat around fast and drops the loop around the thing's head and shoulders.  "Justice comes to all," he intones.

The Man like thing screeches again and grabs the rope in a taloned claw and yanks, justice can gauge the strength of the beast as the rope is jerked from him. The man-thing approaches the doorway where justice is waiting...

Justice makes a strategic withdrawal as he does not carry a gun or knife only hemp rope.

"It comes," he calls out as he backs out the door.  "Some kind of beast, very strong.  I recommend shooting it!"

Dusty hears another inhuman screech, but no shots or anything else. He ponders, "What's going on up there? Why isn't anything happening? Where is Dakota and Invisible Justice? Dang it! I knew I should have gone up there!" Dusty still keeps quiet, since he doesn’t want to give his position away. He hears the shuffling of booted feet near where he is located. He then hears Nate’s voice whispering urgently "Dusty! Dusty where the hell are ya!" Peering up, Dusty sees Nate standing on the gravel driveway .45 in hand.

Dusty whispers, "Over here, Nate!" Once Nate approaches, Dusty points to the window where all of the ruckus is coming from and says, "I'm going to check it out. Cover me, buddy!"

Nate nods and braces his .45. Dusty then climbs up to the window, gets a good grip and keeps the .45 ready. He cautiously peers inside. As Dusty peers into the dark room, he sees a large mansized shape move to the doorway into the lit hall. The thing's back looks oversized and bulky, and the smell is almost sickening.

Dakota gasps, shudders then unloads a volley of .44-40 at the hulking monster, unable to tear his eyes away from the unworldly demon.

The creature is struck by several bullets and is knocked back, but still manages to remain upright. The monster gives an inhuman screech, both Dakota and Invisible Justice are stunned as their eardrums all but burst. The creature turns and runs for the window just as Dusty is reaching the railing. The creature charges the window and shoots out like a bullet, knocking Dusty out of the way. Dusty's pistol goes flying off into the night and the young adventurer barely catches hold of the railing saving himself from a painful fall. As the creature hurls itself out the window in a shower of glass and wood, it unfolds batwings and flies off into the dark night. Dusty gasps as the creature breaks through the glass, knocking his pistol away and almost knocking him off of the trellis. Regaining his grip, he pauses to watch the thing fly away, trying to determine the direction it was heading.  Gunfire is heard erupting from Nate's position below, but it's evident by Nate's curses that the shots did no good. Dusty exclaims, "Nate! Did you see that!? What in the sam hell was it? It knocked my pistol out of my hand when it busted through the window. Help me find it, will you?"  Dusty procedes to climb back down and look for his pistol saying, "With things like that loose, I'm not going anywhere without my pistol!"

Nate rises from his concealed position. Clicking the safety he holsters his pistol. "Even if you had a machine gun it wouldn't have done any good Dusty. Not unless it was loaded with silver bullets. That creature was what Doc Singh calls a lycanthrope, a "were-beast, as in werewolf. But in this case it looks like we found a genuine Mexican were-bat, I heard tell there was a cult of them down south, they worship some old Aztec god".

Finding his pistol, Dusty replies, "I thought that werewolves and such were fairy tails. After seeing that thing, I'm getting some silver and making bullets for the next time. I believe that thing has a connection with our helping Mrs. Holly." He puts the pistol back in its holster. "Let's go buddy, and see what's happened upstairs and look at that map." Dusty heads around front and goes upstairs.

Six rounds spent, Dakota stumbles back a bit, takes a bearing of the situation, and tucks his trusty six shooter away, saving the extra ammo in case he needs it. He replaces the spent gun with his Bowie knife in his right hand. Shaking his head slowly back and forth, as if trying to shake out month old sawdust, Dakota slumps a bit, catching his breath.  Retrieving a handful of shells from his pocket, he draws, empties and reloads his pistol, having stashed his knife back into its sheath.  All secured and ready for action again, he peers down the hall and mutters "Ya survive that infernal racket Justice?" Ears still asplinter, Dakota stumbles down the hall, taking care to feel ahead for his invisible teammate and works his way into the room. He finds Raul Dead with the head attached to the neck by only a few cords of muscle.

Invisible Justice stands there, hands over ears, as he tries to get his hearing back and regain his equilibrium. "Yes, Justice still lives," Jake says loudly.  "I'm not sure but I think that thing changed its shape when it jumped out the window.  Maybe Nate or Dusty saw it better as it jumped." Mrs. Holly makes it to the top of the stairs in her hands is a 10 guage scattergun. She looks rather angry but you can't make out her words as she moves past you.  Dr. Singh also arrives upstairs carrying his medical bag and cane.

"It's me, Invisible Justice," he says in a too loud voice.  "Don't go shooting things you can't see.  I can't hear right now very well." He then follows them into the room.


A few hours later the County coroner removes the body, and the stunned sheriff takes down his report. Everyone is in the parlor. It's been a long night and Nate is staring at the fire nursing a Scotch and water. Dr. Singh is conferring with Mrs. holly and the Sheriff. After the sherrif leaves, Dr. Singh regards the team. "Unfortunately the Map is missing, which probably means that the creature took it. The good thing is that we are almost assured of it's destination-The Molina Ranch in Mexico."

"What was that thing and how do we combat it?," Invisible Justice asks.  "It was stronger than normal and I'm not sure but I think bulletproof too."

Dakota is nursing a double of cheap, rotgut whiskey, chasing it with the strong, acrid smoke of a cheap cigaretto. 'Well, I reckon we need to head south of the border and see about paying some retribution on that nightspawn... Seems the right thing to do."

Dusty says, "Nate told me while we were outside, that the creature was what Doc Singh calls a lycanthrope, a "were-beast, as in werewolf. But in this case it looks like we found a genuine Mexican were-bat, I heard tell there was a cult of them down south, they worship some old Aztec god. I guess regular bullets or anything else won't hurt it unless it was loaded with silver bullets or a silver weapon. I ain't sure if I really believe this or not, but I ain't taking any chances either. I'm gonna get some silver bullets and a silver knife or something just to be sure. Let's go into town in the morning and see if we can scrounge something up."

Dakota replies, "Well, I reckon getting some silver ain't gonna be that tough, and if that is what it takes to knock that thing down, I am all for it."

"I would be interested in a silver edged knife too," Invisible Justice chimes in.  "But it won't turn invisible with me, so that may be a problem.  Anything not a natural fiber stays visible on me."

Replying to Invisible Justice, Dusty says, "Come to think of it, I guess a were-bat creature ain't so far fetched, since you can turn invisible. Getting some silver tips for my boots is a good idea too."

"I have some things to go over with Mrs. Holly. I would ask The rest of you to head into town and gather supplies." Doc Singh says.

Nate responds "Yep, Patch and I should have her ready by the time you boys are done, just head to the airfield."

Dr. Singh hands  Dusty a healthy wad of bills. "That should about cover it for supplies."

Taking the money from Dr. Singh, Dusty replies, "Thanks Doc. Hey, do you think that finding a priest willing to travel with us is a good idea? I figure that we may need the help of the good Lord in this."


The next morning Jake sets out with the others, while the rest of the group makes their way to a hardware/gunstore. Jake spies a medium size church across the street, St. Jude's Catholic church. It appears Saturday morning mass has just ended and the priest has just finished talking to the last of his parishoners as Jake approaches...

"Howdy Padre, I was wondering if you could help me," Jake says.  "Can we go some place private and talk?"

"Of course Senor, I am Father Gomez."
Jake introduces himself, and the two men shake hands. Father Gomez looks to be in his late fifties, medium build, dark skin and black hair mostly turning grey. His hand shake is firm and by the texture of his skin Jake can tell that this man is no stranger to hard work.

"Come inside please, Jake. I must make sure the boys are doing their jobs."
Entering the church, Jake sees two young altar boys stacking pamphlets and preparing for the afternoon mass.  Father Gomez regards the two young men.
"You boys be sure to stop by my office after you are done."
"Sure thing father." One of the boys replies.
They continue to the back of the church to the small rectory and enter. After entering, father Gomez pours two glasses of lemonade from the ice box. He motions to a table and chairs and sits down.
"Well jake, how can I help you?

"This is gonna sound strange, Padre, but I need me some holy water, silver crosses and wooden crosses that can also double as stakes," Jake said a bit embarrassed. "See, my partners and I - we call ourselves Sentinels - do missions or have adventures, I guess you can say, fighting crime and weird things that most folks don't see.  Last night we fought a creature that is either a vampire or some kind of were-creature.  We need things that will handle one or both types of creatures.  Can you help?"

The priest regards Jake silently for a moment or two.

"My son, It is no secret that the Church has known of these evils that most people in the modern world consider superstitious folklore. I have seen the miracles that curaderas can perform and the curses that a bruja can lay upon a soul.  I believe you are sincere Jake, so in this I will help you. Tell me my son, are you Catholic?

"Me?!  No, I'm Methodist by nature.  Not that I attended much in the last few years.  Been too busy traveling all over the world.  First in the Marine Corps and then later when I started chasing crooks. Glad you are willing to help, padre!"

"You must remember Jake, these things you ask for are tools. in and of themselves they are little more than props. It is YOUR conviction and faith that will turn them into weapons to combat the shadow of evil."

The priest leaves for a few minutes and returns with a bottle (QT. size) of holy water and a silver cross attached to rosary beads.

"Take these my son, and use them with faith in the Lord."

The two men talk a bit more and the with the priests blessing, Jake leaves the church and returns to his comrades at the hardware store.

"How much dynamite did you get?" Jake asks when he gets back to the others.

Dusty replies, "Well, I got 10 sticks of dynamite with fuse cord." Might want to get some more.

"Yep. I think a couple of cases will do," responds Jake.


The team had a great deal of success in obtaining items. So much so that they needed to hire a truck to help transport all the gear. The silvered knives and BAR were the only pieces they were unable to aquire on such short notice.

As they near the Blue bird they see Nate on the tarmac looking over the plane and speaking with another fellow.

"Howdy fellas!" Nate says as the group nears " Damn you guys don't travel light do ya?  We seem to have had a change in plans. Dr. Singh has been called away. Dusty, the doc says he wants you to head up this little expedition. Our cover is we are an archeological survey team from the university of Chicago." He hands Dusty a set of papers and a manila envelope with various credentials and ID's. "I also want to introduce you all to to Reverend Clary here, he will be assisting us in this mission, he was recomended by Mrs. Holly and the Organization."

"Howdy, fellas," the newcomer drawled, with a distinct North Central Texas accent and a tip of the round, black "parson-style" hat he wore.  "Mr. Bowie (mighty fine name, that!) here is bein' too kind.  I'm no reverend, 'least, not officially anyways.  You kin jest call me Brother Clary.  That's what most folks call me anyways." He continues, "I hear y'all are about to head south o' the border for a little expedition to shake the pillars o' hell.  Well, I'm in for that.  Normally, I'd be settin' up my tent and preachin' to the heathen and the backsliders hereabouts, but I'm between towns right now."

The others note that he carries a well-worn, big, black Bible and a small rucksack which they presume carries his clothes.  Casually slung over his shoulder, one hand on the stock, finger in the trigger loop is the only other possession Brother Clary seems to have:  a 12-gauge shotgun.

Walking over to Nate and Brother Clary, Dusty takes the papers and envelope from Nate. Turning to Brother Clary, he sticks out his right hand; "Howdy Brother Clary! I'm Dusty Miller, some people just call me "Arizona", since that's where I call from." He eyeballs the scattergun. "Hoowee! That thing will come in mighty handy loaded with silver pellets!" I'm glad you're joining our little expedition, can always use a man of the cloth in what we're gonna be fightin'."

After shaking hands with Brother Clary, he pauses; "I wish we knew earlier that our cover was an archeological survey team. We'll need to get some shovels, brushes and all to maintain our cover." Turning to Nate, "Hey Nate! I'm a pilot too!" Pointing at the Blue Bird, "Mind if I give you a hand and look her over?"

"Not at all." Nate replies. "Patch is inside, doing some work in the cabin".

"Howdy Brother Clary!  I'm Jake Fleming.  I'm an ole Texas Farmboy myself with a few years in the Marines.  I call myself the Invisible Justice for reasons that will become apparent later." He reaches into his ruck sack. "Since you are the closest thing we got to a holy man, you better take these and use them." He hands him the silver cross with rosary beads and the quart of holy water.


By 1:00 pm the plane is loaded up and on the runway. The passengers are aboard. The flight is peaceful and quiet. Nate informs the group that they are coming to the end of the Sierra Madre oriental range and will be turning towards Veracruz soon. As nate is talking with the group, Patch calls back from the cockpit "Nate take a look at this will ya?"

Dakota, looking out a passenger window sees a bi-plane off to the side of the "Bluebird".

Nate calls from the cockpit,  "Looks like we have company! Everyone strap in!"

"Break out the Tommy Guns, boys," Jake calls out, looking out the window.

Looking out his window on the opposite side of the cabin, Dusty also sees a biplane, but this one is headed straight for them!

Seeing the bi-plane heading straight for them, Dusty also yells as he heads for the secret compartment, "Get the Lewises!" He then mutters, "This ain't good...."

Dusty opens the hatch, grabs one of the lewises and pulls the bolt back. He sticks the barrel out of one of the side windows and fires on the approaching bi-plane.

Hearing Dusty, Dakota jumps up and grabs the other lewis. He covers the opposite side of the "Bluebird", hoping to get a clear shot at the other bi-plane.

Brother Clary, tightening up his seat belt, grumbles half to himself, half out loud, "Who are these boys, and what did you fellers do to make 'em so hoppin' mad?"

Not taking his eye off of the target, Dusty replies as he fires the Lewis again. "Darned if I know! They just ain't the friendly type! Maybe I can cure that by givin' em some lead poisoning!"