Bonjour mes amis!! Welcome to Issue #1 of S.P.O.R.E.S. One day when youo're old enough I'll tell you what it stands for, however for the time being I'll just leave you hanging in suspense. This is our (me and Em's) 1st attempt at writing a zine so please don't think it sux (but how can a zine called S.P.O.R.E.S suck?) Of course you'll really like it and it will become the new center of your life. This issue (along with 20 others) will be plastered to your cieling so it'll be the 1st thing you see when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you see before you go to sleep. S.P.O.R.E.S shrines will be built all over your home. Me and Em (My lovely partner in crime) will rule your world, you shall all bow down before us and be our love slaves! But really, I hope you like S.P.O.R.E.S. Oops! Almost forgot about our other parners in crime MOBIUS (the artist, and my new best friend) and Liz (the space filler, that and oh so much more!) How could I have forgotten (almost) to mention them, they are the other 2 vital halves (hmmmm 4 halves?) of our lovely, lovely zine. well I think that's enough of our interesting, yet informative introduction (No zine is complete without it). I know you're just dying to read the rest of the zine so JUST READ IT ALREADY! And the address is on the back.
Since Michelle took up this whole page I have to use this space to say hello! So hello! Anyways this is a crappy little space so you'll hear from me later! BYE!