Why in the hell do moms have to ruin everything for their children? I'm fucken 15 years old and my mother still won't let me go out and get something pierced. She won't even let me dye my hair brilliant colors. All i really want to do is be the 1st chick in my school to shave off all (and i mean ALL) of my hair. Oh. And i also want to get my nose pierced. of course my stupid mother won't let me. i know you're thinking "just do it and after it's done she can't change it" but if i did that, sh'd kick my ass so fucken hard! Instead , I'm just going to sit on my ass like the pussy that i am and take her shit. So I guess why I'm writing is to tell others to stand up to those bitches. Just cuz they gave birth to us doesn't mean they should control how we look. And to any mothers reading this GET-A-FUCKEN LIFE Leave ours alone!

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